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Digital Partner
Digital marketing and IT leaders
Teaching & Academics
Teaching on Alison since Aug 2021
Digital Partner is a comprehensive digital marketing agency with a wealth of experience in online marketing, project management, content marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and web design and development.

Digital Partner's courses are created by digital marketing director Shahid Ahmed, a certified Microsoft, Google, SUN and HubSpot professional. With a Masters in Business Administration from De La Salle University in the Phillippines, he is an expert at managing and leading teams for SMM, SEO, PPC, Adwords, content and influencer marketing.
🏆 Top Course by this Course Creator
WordPress Fundamentals - Content Management System (CMS)
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Free Online Courses by Digital Partner
Email Marketing - Fundamentals of Scaling Up Businesses from Scratch
1.5-3 hrs 6,603 learners
By Digital Partner
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe various aspects of email marketing
  • Compare different categories of email marketing based on their advantages and disadvantages
  • Explain the importance of email marketing for businesses
  • Evaluate a lead magnet and its role in email enhancement
  • Create a high-conversion email form
  • Identify various types of online email marketing service providers
  • Define email autoresponders
  • Discuss the reasons for using email autoresponders
  • Create an effective email autoresponder
  • Estimate email open rates
  • Contrast various strategies while starting with email marketing
  • Identify the process of email segmentation
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Digital Marketing
Email Marketing - Fundamentals of Scaling Up Businesses from Scratch
1.5-3 hrs
6603 enrolled
Dropshipping - Bootstrapping a New Online Business
1.5-3 hrs 12,019 learners
By Digital Partner
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of dropshipping
  • Identify the importance of Shopify and WooCommerce as alternatives for dropshipping
  • Evaluate various dropshipping problems and their solutions
  • Identify the essential components of the dropshipping supply chain
  • Describe the process of dropshipping supply-chain management
  • Contrast between various dropshipping platforms
  • Evaluate various strategies and considerations before starting the dropshipping business
  • Indicate the best niches for dropshipping at AliExpress
  • Identify the ways to target the correct demographic for selecting the suitable dropshipping products
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Dropshipping - Bootstrapping a New Online Business
1.5-3 hrs
12019 enrolled
Social Media Marketing - Bootstrapping With Fundamentals
1.5-3 hrs 28,176 learners
By Digital Partner
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define various important terms related to social media marketing
  • Describe the five main pillars of social media marketing
  • Evaluate strategies before publishing the content on social media platforms
  • Recognize the importance of engagement with the audience
  • Compute the importance of analytics and metrics in social media marketing
  • Discuss credentials of various social media platforms in terms of social media marketing
  • Outline the essential components of a social media marketing agency
  • Describe the various steps of preparing a successful social media marketing agency
  • Indicate the importance of each step in the social media marketing agency
  • Classify the social media automation tools on the basis of their uses
  • Summarize the process of finding the correct target audience for social media marketing
  • Evaluate the process of creating value for the target audience via social channels uses
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Digital Marketing
Social Media Marketing - Bootstrapping With Fundamentals
1.5-3 hrs
28176 enrolled
WordPress Fundamentals - Content Management System (CMS)
1.5-3 hrs 7,351 learners
By Digital Partner
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Contrast and on the basis of their advantages and disadvantages
  • Identify the steps to begin working on a WordPress site
  • Recognize the WordPress installation procedure on a localhost
  • Recognize and explain the various aspects of WordPress dashboard
  • Outline the various panels of WordPress
  • Describe the method of submitting WordPress to various search engines
  • Indicate the method of adding XML map to Google Search Engine console
  • Indicate the process of creating and adding menus present on WordPress
  • Compare WordPress posts and WordPress pages
  • Define the process of adding custom links and categories to the WordPress menus
  • Evaluate the working with sidebars and widgets on WordPress
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Web Development
WordPress Fundamentals - Content Management System (CMS)
1.5-3 hrs
7351 enrolled
The Metaverse, NFT & Web 3.0 - Evolution of Internet
1.5-3 hrs 10,807 learners
By Digital Partner
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Analyse the relationship between NFTs and blockchain
  • Outline the potential roles of NFTs in the Metaverse
  • Indicate the differences between augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and virtual reality (VR) devices
  • Describe the important features of different extended reality (XR) devices
  • Identify the areas of the Metaverse where companies are investing
  • Outline the potential roles of NFTs in the Metaverse
  • Explain Web 3.0 and its properties
  • Evaluate the potential roles of the Metaverse in retail shopping
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The Metaverse, NFT & Web 3.0 - Evolution of Internet
1.5-3 hrs
10807 enrolled
Become a Job Hunting Professional on LinkedIn
1.5-3 hrs 1,853 learners
By Digital Partner
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Establish the importance of LinkedIn for professionals
  • Analyse the typical mistakes people make while building a LinkedIn profile
  • Explain why LinkedIn should not be considered a digital resume
  • Describe the LinkedIn algorithm
  • Indicate the steps through which a LinkedIn post has to go
  • Evaluate the method to avoid the spam filter on LinkedIn
  • Identify all the important parameters for setting up a LinkedIn profile
  • Analyse the importance of the headline and summary in LinkedIn profile
  • Outline the necessary steps for job hunting on LinkedIn
  • Discuss the importance of gaining connections and networking on LinkedIn
  • Indicate the need for frequent posting and personalisation
  • Evaluate visiting different LinkedIn groups and adding visual content to the LinkedIn posts
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Become a Job Hunting Professional on LinkedIn
1.5-3 hrs
1853 enrolled
React JavaScript - Fundamentals to Coding & New Beginnings
4-5 hrs 14,341 learners
By Digital Partner
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the prerequisites for working on React JS
  • Outline all the essential components of React JS
  • Compare React JS and plain JavaScript
  • Explain how to begin working on React JS and create a React environment
  • Discuss how to remove and render React code
  • Describe the method used to write HTML on multiple lines
  • Explain how to write a ‘fragment’ to wrap multiple lines
  • Define ‘React Memo’ and ‘CSS styling’
  • Discuss how to use ‘if’ statements
  • Define React ‘conditional statements’, ‘&& operators’ and ‘ternary operators’
  • Explain how to make components using React ‘Files’
  • Analyze the methods used to structure folders in React
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React JavaScript - Fundamentals to Coding & New Beginnings
4-5 hrs
14341 enrolled
The Fundamentals of ChatGPT: AI Language Model
1.5-3 hrs 18,157 learners
By Digital Partner
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define the role of OpenAI in innovating technology 
  • Explain how different AI products work
  • Compare the roles of ChatGPT and Google in terms of AI development
  • Evaluate the working model designated for ChatGPT
  • Outline different ways ChatGPT can be used positively
  • Analyze various shortcomings of ChatGPT that need improvement
  • Recognize ways you can develop and train another GPT model
  • Compare ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus
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The Fundamentals of ChatGPT: AI Language Model
1.5-3 hrs
18157 enrolled
Showing 1 - 8 of 22
Learner Reviews & Feedback For
Emeka U.
Very systematic and well organised learning and certification pathway
Was This Review Helpful?
Steffan A.
Generally very high quality. Could be updated now that more recent ChatGPT versions are active. Excellent experience. Well done folks!
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