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Mohamed Elshenawy is a language teacher, YouTuber and the director of the Escola online language school. He started teaching language courses in 2008 to share his experience with everybody who wants to learn. He urges everyone to believe in themselves by saying even the experts were once beginners.

With a major in education and science, Elshenawy helps others comprehend the subtlety of the Arabic and Portuguese languages by enriching their vocabulary and improving the grammatical skills required to have a fluent conversation.

Escola disseminates its knowledge and expertise in various languages. Learners can enrich their skills with the help of resourceful teachers, translators and voice-over artists.

Free, Online Courses Created by Muhammad Elshanawy

  • Certificate Learn Real Portuguese Grammar

    Learn Real Portuguese Grammar

    6-10 hrs
    This free online course will teach you all you need to know about speaking Portuguese in a grammatically correct manner.
  • Certificate Important Pointers for Learning Portuguese

    Important Pointers for Learning Portuguese

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online course covers everything you need to know before you start learning the Portuguese language.
  • Certificate Explore the Streets, Food and Numbers in Portuguese

    Explore the Streets, Food and Numbers in Portuguese

    3-4 hrs
    Discover how to communicate in Portuguese to explore the heritage and city life in Brazil in this free online course.
  • Certificate Master the Art of Personal Conversations in Portuguese

    Master the Art of Personal Conversations in Portuguese

    1.5-3 hrs
    Discover how to establish meaningful personal interactions in Portuguese with this free online Portuguese course.
  • Certificate Communicating in Portuguese about Education, Career, and Emergencies

    Communicating in Portuguese about Education, Career, and Emergencies

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online Portuguese course will teach you essential phrases needed in daily conversations at home and at work.
  • Certificate Introduction to Arabic Letters

    Introduction to Arabic Letters

    1.5-3 hrs
    Taking this free self-paced online course will allow you to learn how to read and write basic Arabic letters properly.
  • Certificate Learn the Intricacies of Phone Calls and Shopping in Portuguese

    Learn the Intricacies of Phone Calls and Shopping in Portuguese

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online course provides key Portuguese phrases and words to use while shopping and talking on the telephone.
  • Certificate Arabic Alphabets: Letters Baa (ب) and Taa (ت)

    Arabic Alphabets: Letters Baa (ب) and Taa (ت)

    1.5-3 hrs
    Master the second (Baa ب) and third letters (Taa ت) of the Arabic alphabet with this free online language course.
  • Certificate Understand the Usage of Pronouns in Portuguese

    Understand the Usage of Pronouns in Portuguese

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online course teaches you how to correctly use pronouns in basic formal and conversational Portuguese.
  • Certificate Arabic Letters: Thaa2 (ث) and Noon ( ن )

    Arabic Letters: Thaa2 (ث) and Noon ( ن )

    1.5-3 hrs
    Master the Arabic letters ‘Thaa2 (ث)’ and ‘Noon (ن)’, which correspond to 'Th’ and ‘N', in this free online course.
  • Certificate Writing Numbers and Letters Seen (س) and Sheen (ش) in Arabic

    Writing Numbers and Letters Seen (س) and Sheen (ش) in Arabic

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online course explores the Indo-Arabic numbering system and the Arabic letters Seen and Sheen.
  • Certificate Understanding Arabic Alphabets Saad ( ص ) and Daad ( ض )

    Understanding Arabic Alphabets Saad ( ص ) and Daad ( ض )

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn how to write, pronounce and different forms of the letters Saad (ص) and Daad (ض) with this free online course.
  • Certificate Understanding the Different Facets of Everyday Conversations in Arabic

    Understanding the Different Facets of Everyday Conversations in Arabic

    3-4 hrs
    Master the basics of everyday Arabic conversation and common phrases with this free online language course.
  • Certificate Arabic Conversations on Food and Streets

    Arabic Conversations on Food and Streets

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online course will teach you the fundamentals of regular Arabic conversation used in the context of dining.
  • Certificate Master the Pronouns and Nuances of Greetings in Arabic

    Master the Pronouns and Nuances of Greetings in Arabic

    1.5-3 hrs
    Begin your Arabic journey by learning basic vocabulary to start a delightful conversation with this free online course.
  • Certificate Discuss your Family and Occupation in Arabic

    Discuss your Family and Occupation in Arabic

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online course will teach you the essentials of Arabic conversation regarding family and occupation.
  • Certificate Master the Art of Personal Conversations in Arabic Language

    Master the Art of Personal Conversations in Arabic Language

    1.5-3 hrs
    Continue your expedition through the Arabic language by refining your fluency with this free online course.
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