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Mohamed Elshenawy is a language teacher, YouTuber and the director of the Escola online language school. He started teaching language courses in 2008 to share his experience with everybody who wants to learn. He urges everyone to believe in themselves by saying even the experts were once beginners.

With a major in education and science, Elshenawy helps others comprehend the subtlety of the Arabic and Portuguese languages by enriching their vocabulary and improving the grammatical skills required to have a fluent conversation.

Escola disseminates its knowledge and expertise in various languages. Learners can enrich their skills with the help of resourceful teachers, translators and voice-over artists.

Free, Online Courses Created by Muhammad Elshanawy

  • Certificate Learn about the Subtleties of Numbers and Time in Arabic

    Learn about the Subtleties of Numbers and Time in Arabic

    1.5-3 hrs
    Fathom the essentials of the Arabic numeric system to enrich your Egyptian proficiency with this free online course.
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