Geologists study the physical structure and substance of the Earth and how it has changed over time, offering insight into the history of our planet from the time the solar system came into being.
Diverse Duties
The day-to-day duties of a Geologist may differ depending on the workplace. For example, Geologists may teach at a university, or they might work for an environmental agency. They could work for a metal production company where they focus on quality control, or an oil production company where they evaluate well performance.
Choosing Your Specialty for a Master’s Course
Picking a master’s course is the best time to specialize. It will determine the course of your career. There is a bevy of specialties and potential roles to choose from, each with its unique set of opportunities.
They study the properties of rocks, minerals, and precious stones/gems. Most mineralogists study minerals of economic value such as gypsum and clay, and metals like copper, aluminum, and iron ore. The metals and rare earth minerals they help process are used in scientific equipment to monitor the environment, e.g., computers, sensors on satellites, GPS devices, and radio collars used to track wildlife.
Seismologists study and monitor earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides using seismographs and computer equipment to collect and analyze data. Their work helps protect people and property, assists petroleum companies and intelligence agencies, and contributes to the study of the earth.
If you are interested in entering the petroleum industry, you might consider a petroleum-focused master’s, such as seismic stratigraphy. Large oil companies almost always require a master’s or PhD, but some smaller ones may be flexible.
Braving molten lava, they travel to the areas of dormant or active volcanoes to study the geophysical functions behind them. Volcanologists collect and test samples to predict future eruptions and save local populations.
They study fossils, layers of rock, ancient pollen, and other clues to determine what the world was like in prehistoric times, past climates, and extinctions. Paleontologists tell us about the earth’s history and the evolution of life.
Planetary Geologists
They study the geology of the celestial bodies such as the planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, and meteorites, comparing it with that of the earth. Although the geo- prefix indicates topics of or relating to the Earth, Planetary Geology is named as such for convenience.
Engineering Geologists
Their recommendations on feasible locations to construct buildings, dams, coastal defenses, pipelines, and railways focus on public health and safety. Engineering Geologists examine the ground rock, water sources, soil stability, and natural processes that could affect new development.
Environmental Geologists
Environmental Geologists help prevent soil/groundwater contamination by determining geologically safe locations for landfills, coal ash disposal sites, and nuclear plants. They help plan underground waste disposal and new mines for optimal environmental safety.
A master’s in Environmental Geology will enable you to work as an advisor to the government or private organizations on compliance with environmental regulations.
Entering Academia
While getting into a PhD program is challenging in itself, be warned that it will be considerably more competitive to get into a postdoctoral position.
Prospective lecturers must consider the competitiveness of academia. In high schools, Geologists teach earth science and general science. In colleges, most teach introductory and advanced courses in Geology. A few teach ecology and environmental studies.
Examining Samples
Offshore oil resources may be one of the primary energy supplies of the future. Geologists' ability to examine samples taken from the ocean floors is essential. Samples of rock and soil may also be useful to geologists searching for sources of freshwater or deposits of valuable minerals and ores.
Keep Exploring
A career in geology is gratifying and allows you to follow your passion for learning and always ask, "Why?" Keep exploring and you will never grow old and never work a day in your life.