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Laurence Svekis ✔
Digital technology specialist
Personal Development
Teaching on Alison since Aug 2021
Laurence Svekis is a web technology expert who enjoys sharing his knowledge and helping others learn about digital technology. He has had the honour of being able to reach over a million students worldwide throughout his decades of producing digital e-learning content. Sveki...
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Gmail - Maximize your Email Productivity
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Free Online Courses by Laurence Svekis ✔
Fundamentals of Google Docs - Increased Productivity
1.5-3 hrs 2,489 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

Having completed this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify share permissions and distinguish between sharing and restricted modes
  • Recognize real-time collaboration in docs
  • Contrast between editing, suggesting, and viewing modes
  • Outline essential editing functions and compare default styling options
  • Recognize footnote citations in docs
  • List the methods for creating drawings and inserting images into docs
  • Outline adding in bookmarks and hyperlinks
  • Recognize versioning and identify version history in docs
  • Identify charts synchrony across docs and sheets
  • Distinguish outlines from tables of content
  • Describe how Google docs and drive work together
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Google Sheets
Fundamentals of Google Docs - Increased Productivity
1.5-3 hrs
2489 enrolled
Gmail - Maximize your Email Productivity
1.5-3 hrs 3,822 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

Having completed this course, you should be able to:

  • Outline the methods to modify the Vacation Responder
  • Recognize functions of Schedule Send, Undo Send and Send Cancellation Period
  • Identify Conversation View, Offline Mode and Snooze
  • Recognize the benefits of using Google Drive to send files
  • List Gmail Label and Filter options
  • Summarize methods for using Templates in Gmail
  • Distinguish different Search parameters
  • Outline the uses of Aliases
  • Identify how to Grant Access to your Gmail account
  • Recognize Email Tips to increase your productivity and work more effectively
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Email Etiquette
Gmail - Maximize your Email Productivity
1.5-3 hrs
3822 enrolled
Fundamentals of Google Apps Script And IDE
1.5-3 hrs 1,358 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize Google's Developers web address for information about Apps Script
  • Indicate the purpose of Functions in Google Apps Script
  • Identify the method for creating Docs and sending emails using Apps Script
  • Outline methods for Debugging and setting Breakpoints in Google Apps Script
  • Recognize methods for creating and Deploying Libraries within Google Apps Script
  • Outline the method for Deploying Web App content within Google Apps Script
  • Describe the way to add API Services to Scripts
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Fundamentals of Google Apps Script And IDE
1.5-3 hrs
1358 enrolled
Diploma in Google Suite - Gmail, Google Apps and Google Docs
10-15 hrs 7,136 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify Google Docs Share Permissions, Sharing and Restricted modes
  • Recognize real-time collaboration in Docs
  • Describe versioning in Google Docs
  • Recall Google Docs tools to increase productivity
  • Indicate methods to insert files into emails using Attach File, Drive and Photo
  • List Gmail Label and Filter options
  • Distinguish different Search parameters
  • Recognize Email Tips that increase your productivity
  • Distinguish standalone scripts from bound scripts
  • Identify the method for sending emails using Apps Script
  • Outline methods for Debugging and setting Breakpoints in Google Apps Script
  • Outline the method for Deploying Web App content within Google Apps Script
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Office Administration
Diploma in Google Suite - Gmail, Google Apps and Google Docs
10-15 hrs
7136 enrolled
CSS Layout - Creating a Float Based Responsive Website
1.5-3 hrs 2,483 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain how to make a website fully responsive
  • Describe how to set up the HTML files
  • Identify the ways of accessing the Chrome dev tool and using it to develop and debug websites
  • Explain how to create an HTML and CSS file and link them together
  • Discuss how to create a basic wireframe
  • Describe how to create a responsive navbar for a website
  • Recall how to create an image gallery and source and import images
  • Describe how to create the “about” area of a website
  • Discuss how to set up the single content box
  • Recall how to create a contact form on the website
  • Explain how to create a website footer
  • State the reason for conducting a review of the web content
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Web Development
CSS Layout - Creating a Float Based Responsive Website
1.5-3 hrs
2483 enrolled
JavaScript and CSS - Fully Responsive Mobile Ready Website
1.5-3 hrs 2,393 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • State the reason for creating a rough sketch of the website
  • Describe the process of setting up the developing environment
  • Recall the procedures for setting up the main HTML
  • Explain the functions of Chrome dev tools
  • Summarize how to build the navbar and make it responsive
  • Explain how to build and update the website logo
  • Identify the appropriate format of various commands used in CSS
  • Recall how to set the minimum and maximum heights of an element
  • Describe how to update objects on the website using JavaScript
  • State the reasons for reviewing the website
  • Recall how to import and implement fonts on the website
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Web Development
JavaScript and CSS - Fully Responsive Mobile Ready Website
1.5-3 hrs
2393 enrolled
DOM – Interactive Website Game using JavaScript
1.5-3 hrs 706 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the Document Object Model
  • List the tools needed for web development
  • Describe the process of styling web elements with JavaScript
  • Describe the process of manipulating element position with the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Explain the use of the Animation Frame in creating animations on a website
  • Identify different JavaScript methods and their purpose
  • Recall the process of generating new elements using the Document Object Model
  • Explain how JavaScript can be used to detect element collision
  • Describe the process of setting random positions with JavaScript
  • Explain how JavaScript is used to move new webpage elements
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DOM – Interactive Website Game using JavaScript
1.5-3 hrs
706 enrolled
CSS and JavaScript - Creating a Single Page Flexbox Website
1.5-3 hrs 3,205 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to design and make a single page fully responsive website using CSS Flexbox from scratch
  • Describe in detail what CSS Flexbox is
  • Describe how to apply JavaScript to make the website more dynamic, interactive, and functional
  • Identify all the source codes required to create a single-page Flex-based website using CSS Flexbox and JavaScript
  • Explain how to program all the menu, contents, and column sections for making a single-page website
  • Explain how to manipulate and set up the placement of website elements using CSS Flexbox
  • Describe how to program CSS Flexbox and JavaScript with HTML to create and style an impressive and professional website
  • Identify key CSS properties and comments
  • Identify key commands in CSS Flexbox, JavaScript and HTML     
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CSS and JavaScript - Creating a Single Page Flexbox Website
1.5-3 hrs
3205 enrolled
Using CSS to Create Responsive Grid and Flexbox Websites
1.5-3 hrs 1,448 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

Upon the successful completion of this module, you should be able to:

  • State the difference between CSS grid responsive website and CSS flexbox responsive website
  • Explain the basic structure of a CSS flexbox responsive website
  • List the main tags within the HTML in CSS Flexbox responsive navigation bar
  • Discuss how to create a responsive navigation bar
  • Recognize how to update the website background-colour
  • Describe how to apply styling to your web pages
  • Identify how to add a border to distinguish the sitting of each element in the CSS grid website section
  • Explain how to create responsive web pages with different contents using flexbox
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Web Development
Using CSS to Create Responsive Grid and Flexbox Websites
1.5-3 hrs
1448 enrolled
Maths Games Project from Scratch Using Javascript
1.5-3 hrs 1,464 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the methods for using the QuerySelector Function
  • Explain the function of the Array Sort Method and Compare Function
  • Identify the process of creating HTML files, adding Tags to them and creating Divs using Visual Studio Code
  • List the steps to randomize values of an Array using the Sort and Math Random Methods
  • Explain the method for setting up Game Options
  • Explain how to use Event Listeners to track game answers
  • Outline the process of creating a downloadable CSV File containing the player’s score
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Maths Games Project from Scratch Using Javascript
1.5-3 hrs
1464 enrolled
Interactive Games using HTML 5 and JavaScript
1.5-3 hrs 1,975 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to create and develop your own game using HTML5, Canvas, and JavaScript
  • Explain in detail what HTML Canvas is
  • Explain how to create amazing effects with Canvas
  • Describe how to apply JavaScript to HTML5 Canvas for creating a smooth and interactive gaming experience
  • Explain how to draw elements on Canvas
  • Describe how to add HTML5 Canvas animation to the game using JavaScript to make it more immersive and exciting
  • Recognize all the source codes and syntax required for the game projects
  • Identify key properties, features, commands, and programs in HTML5, Canvas, and JavaScript
  • Explain all the beginner tricks and techniques to create two exciting games with HTML5, canvas, and JavaScript
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Interactive Games using HTML 5 and JavaScript
1.5-3 hrs
1975 enrolled
Fully Dynamic Pacman Game using JavaScript
1.5-3 hrs 1,156 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain how to create and design assets for a game using CSS and HTML
  • Describe how to build a game board using CSS Grid in JavaScript
  • Explain the method for adding movement patterns for items using Math Random in JavaScript
  • Describe the method for keeping score and tracking lives in a game using JavaScript
  • Describe the method for adding Game Over and Game Win conditions, and resetting the game
  • Explain the method for generating game boards dynamically in JavaScript
  • Identify how to test a game for bugs and make sure the code works as expected
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Fully Dynamic Pacman Game using JavaScript
1.5-3 hrs
1156 enrolled
Simple Catcher Game Using HTML 5 Canvas and JavaScript
1.5-3 hrs 711 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Create and develop a simple catcher game from scratch using HTML5 Canvas
  • Apply JavaScript in HTML 5 Canvas to create an interactive catcher game
  • Apply game design and logic to the gameplay with HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript
  • Illustrate with JavaScript on HTML5 Canvas
  • Recognize all the source codes and syntax required for game projects
  • Identify key properties, features, commands, and programs in HTML5 Canvas, and JavaScript
  • Explain all the beginner tricks and techniques needed to make an enjoyable game with HTML 5 Canvas and JavaScript
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Simple Catcher Game Using HTML 5 Canvas and JavaScript
1.5-3 hrs
711 enrolled
JavaScript Lorem Ipsum Generator and Content Pagination
1.5-3 hrs 548 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Create a Lorem Ipsum generator and build content pagination
  • Explain how to set HTML tags, and link CSS and JavaScript files to HTML files
  • Generate event listeners in JavaScript and build Regex
  • Illustrate output arrays as sentences and paragraphs using JavaScript
  • Outline the method to capitalize strings and randomize content within an array in JavaScript
  • State the procedure to set up and launch an HTTP server locall
  • Discuss the process to output API content and add its data to a page using JavaScript code
  • Identify the means to output API data to load additional content at the bottom of its existing content
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App Development
JavaScript Lorem Ipsum Generator and Content Pagination
1.5-3 hrs
548 enrolled
Creating a Carousel and a Task List using JavaScript
1.5-3 hrs 378 learners
By Laurence Svekis ✔
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Create the environment for creating a carousel with JavaScript
  • Explain the need for adding images into an array, before adding them to a carousel
  • Recall the objects needed to create a carousel with JavaScript
  • Create an active dot indicator
  • Explain the different kinds of interactivity that could be added to a carousel
  • Describe the process of automating a carousel slider with JavaScript
  • Describe the setup process for a JavaScript task list
  • Create button interaction for a task list
  • Create cross-out and delete functionality for a task list
  • Create a text file from a list
  • Describe the process for adding download functionality to a list
  • Summarise storing and retrieving information from local storage
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Creating a Carousel and a Task List using JavaScript
1.5-3 hrs
378 enrolled
Learner Reviews & Feedback For
I know have a very good working knowledge of Google Docs and feel confident to use this feature within Google.
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Kunle B.
The course was really impactful and insightful. I fully recommend it to anyone who is willing to upskill in spreadsheet usage, particularly, Google sheet.
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