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Free Online Courses from the Quaatso
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Teaching on Alison since Aug 2021
Quaatso is a leading online e-learning platform founded by Nandan Singh. It provides professional courses where all of the content is explained with interactive animation and videos. It has revolutionised teaching methodology by packaging all content in the form of stories and movies. Quaatso is the effort of highly learned individuals who believe in the availability of the right knowledge at one click.

Quaatso provides professional courses for topics such as software, legal, management and services.
🏆 Top Course by this Course Creator
Rest API Manual Testing For Beginners
7,482 Learners already enrolled
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Free Online Courses by Quaatso
Rest API Manual Testing For Beginners
1.5-3 hrs 7,482 learners
By Quaatso
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define ‘API testing’ and establish the importance of such testing
  • Explain the client-server architecture and the meaning of web service
  • Categorise the web services into REST or SOAP
  • Outline the process of sending requests in JSON format
  • Compute the RESTful API testing with the Postman and cURL tool
  • Label the CRUD operations with their corresponding HTTP methods
  • Distinguish between Postman and cURL
  • Recall how to write API test cases
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Beginner Level
Rest API Manual Testing For Beginners
1.5-3 hrs
7482 enrolled
Java Logging Frameworks: The Complete Guide
1.5-3 hrs 1,061 learners
By Quaatso
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define ‘login framework’
  • Distinguish between login and loggers
  • Explain the function of filters, handlers, loggers, layout and appenders in Log4j
  • Describe how to configure JUL and Log4j frameworks in order to publish messages to a target
  • Discuss the purpose of logging levels
  • Summarise how to use Log4j in projects
  • Identify the SLF4J binding implementations
  • Recall the function of the Logback framework and its advantages over Log4j
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Beginner Level
Java Logging Frameworks: The Complete Guide
1.5-3 hrs
1061 enrolled
Mastering Maven: Java Build Tool
3-4 hrs 1,323 learners
By Quaatso
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the process of Maven installation on Windows and Mac/Linux
  • Outline different Maven functionalities
  • Analyse the default behaviour of Maven
  • Explain the role of dependency management in Maven as its core feature
  • Solve dependency conflicts
  • List steps required to deploy a Java application onto a server
  • Discuss the use of the project object model (POM) in Maven
  • Summarise the four sections of POM.xml
  • Recall steps to customise the default behaviour of Maven
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Beginner Level
Mastering Maven: Java Build Tool
3-4 hrs
1323 enrolled
Selenium WebDriver: All You Need to Know
4-5 hrs 4,426 learners
By Quaatso
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the use of Selenium WebDriver to test web applications and automate web-related repetitive tasks
  • Explain the working of the Selenium WebDriver interface to find web elements
  • Describe the role of HTML in the creation of web page content
  • Differentiate between static and dynamic web elements
  • Compare different web element-finding strategies
  • Recognise various ‘operators’ supported by the expression language XPath
  • Order element locators based on the fast retrieval of web elements
  • Outline the process of interacting with commonly used web elements using Eclipse
  • Indicate important browser navigation methods using WebDriver
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Beginner Level
Selenium WebDriver: All You Need to Know
4-5 hrs
4426 enrolled
Java Programming Masterclass
5-6 hrs 13,397 learners
By Quaatso
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Select the correct name classes, methods, constants and interface
  • Identify the different data types in Java
  • Apply conditional statements to iterate through a loop
  • Indicate the correct code for arrays and retrieve data from them
  • Recognize a variable by its scope
  • Analyze the break and continue statements
  • Explain the OOPs principle
  • State the benefits of encapsulation of codes in Java
  • Distinguish between exceptions and errors
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Beginner Level
Java Programming Masterclass
5-6 hrs
13397 enrolled
Master Linux and Shell Script From Beginner to Advanced
4-5 hrs 7,477 learners
By Quaatso
You Will Learn How To

Having completed this course, you will be able to:

  • Indicate the process of installing various Linux distributions in your machine
  • List most commonly used Linux commands and their functions
  • Define process in the context of Linux
  • Outline the process to write short programs in Linux using the command line
  • Explain various steps involved in creating and updating a file in Linux
  • Order the sequence of steps used to download and install software packages in Linux
  • Discuss the procedure to control or modify remote servers from your local machine
  • Describe the use of shell script to automate different tasks
  • Compare for loop and while loop
  • Summarize different file management techniques in Linux
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Beginner Level
Master Linux and Shell Script From Beginner to Advanced
4-5 hrs
7477 enrolled
TestNG for Beginners
1.5-3 hrs 2,621 learners
By Quaatso
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Apply TestNG in testing a Java application
  • List and explain the functionalities of the TestNG framework
  • Recall the basic structure of test case writing and execution in the TestNG framework
  • Identify the different levels of annotations of TestNG and their applications
  • Apply test cases using a data provider
  • Create groups in TestNG and how to include or execute them during execution via XML file
  • Describe how a test case can be managed using the TestNG XML file
  • State why parallel execution is necessary in test case writing
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Beginner Level
TestNG for Beginners
1.5-3 hrs
2621 enrolled
Apache POI Masterclass
1.5-3 hrs 1,224 learners
By Quaatso
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Outline steps to download and install Apache POI on your system
  • Analyse various used cases of Apache POI for MS Excel
  • Arrange the steps required for the manual creation of an Excel file
  • Describe the process of adding data to an Excel file
  • Discuss different cell formatting options in MS Excel
  • Solve syntax errors in your code on Eclipse
  • Indicate the procedure to apply a formula to a cell, merge cells and add a hyperlink to a cell
  • Explain the steps for reading and updating Excel files using Eclipse
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Beginner Level
Apache POI Masterclass
1.5-3 hrs
1224 enrolled
Showing 1 - 8 of 9
Learner Reviews & Feedback For
Gerard W.
This course was very useful and put me in the mindframe of a developer.
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Sunday Akintunde O.
This is one of its kind on Linux. Good piece and very interacting.
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