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Microsoft Corporation is a public multinational corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses and supports a wide range of products and services predominantly related to computing.

The goal of digital literacy is to teach and assess basic computer concepts and skills so that you can use computer technology in everyday life to develop new social and economic opportunities for yourself, your family and your community.

As part of its corporate social responsibility mission, Microsoft has created a suite of excellent free access resources called the Digital Literacy Curriculum.

Free, Online Courses Created by Microsoft

  • Certificate Introduction to Responsive Design using Bootstrap Framework

    Introduction to Responsive Design using Bootstrap Framework

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn how to use Bootstrap to create a responsive website for desktops, tablets, and mobile phones in just a few hours.
  • Certificate Introduction to Angular 2

    Introduction to Angular 2

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online Angular 2 course will teach you how to create fast, responsive web sites and web apps with Angular JS.
  • Certificate Building a Responsive User Interface using Bootstrap

    Building a Responsive User Interface using Bootstrap

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn how to use Bootstrap to build a responsive website for desktops, tablets, and cellphones, with this free course.
  • Certificate Introduction to C++ Programming Language

    Introduction to C++ Programming Language

    1.5-3 hrs
    In this free online course, learn all about C++ programming concepts and principles, as well as how to use them.
  • Certificate C++ Programming using Advanced Features

    C++ Programming using Advanced Features

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online course will teach you how to write fast programs using the advanced techniques of C++ programming.
  • Certificate Ruby on Rails for Web Application Development

    Ruby on Rails for Web Application Development

    3-4 hrs
    Make creating a server-side web application using Ruby on Rails easy, with this free online Ruby on Rails course.
  • Certificate Microsoft Excel 2010

    Microsoft Excel 2010

    6-10 hrs
    Work with spreadsheets more efficiently and effectively with this free online Microsoft Excel 2010 tutorial course.
  • Certificate Microsoft Access 2010

    Microsoft Access 2010

    4-5 hrs
    Learn how to use Microsoft Access 2010 to manage your databases more effectively in this free online training course.
  • Certificate Ruby on Rails CRUD app development and TDD

    Ruby on Rails CRUD app development and TDD

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn how to use Ruby on Rails to develop CRUD based web apps with this free online web application course.
  • Certificate Microsoft Word 2010

    Microsoft Word 2010

    4-5 hrs
    Learn how to make full use of the features and tools of Microsoft Word 2010 in this free online tutorial course.
  • Certificate Microsoft Outlook 2010

    Microsoft Outlook 2010

    4-5 hrs
    Learn the different functions of the Microsoft Outlook 2010 and improve your emailing skills with this free course.
  • Certificate Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

    Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

    4-5 hrs
    Discover some great tips and techniques for using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 with this free online powerpoint course.
  • Certificate Microsoft Office 2010

    Microsoft Office 2010

    15-20 hrs
    Get the most out of Microsoft Office 2010 to improve your organizational abilities and office software skills.
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