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SkillsCommons is an online workforce development library of work-related open educational resources sourced from community colleges across the United States. It was created by the US Department of Labor as part of its Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program.

The SkillsCommons team of professional librarians, educators, developers and technologists have leveraged the expertise of community colleges across the US to develop and deliver innovative workforce development programs with an aim of upskilling learners for free.
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Introduction to Physical Therapy Aides
17,158 Learners already enrolled
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Free Online Courses by SkillsCommons
Pharmacotherapy: Nervous, Sensory & Genitourinary Systems
1.5-3 hrs 11,921 learners
By SkillsCommons
You Will Learn How To

Having completed this course you will be able to:

  • Explain the therapeutic effects of prescription medications, non-prescription medications, and alternative therapies commonly used to treat psychiatric and mood disorders
  • List some central nervous system disorders
  • Describe symptoms of depression
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system
  • List some conditions and disorders of the male reproductive system
  • Identify the brand and generic names of prescription and non-prescription medications commonly used to treat psychiatric and mood disorders
  • Explain the function of the renal system
  • Identify different forms of contraceptive products and the side effects of using each contraceptive !
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Beginner Level
Pharmacotherapy: Nervous, Sensory & Genitourinary Systems
1.5-3 hrs
11921 enrolled
Pharmacotherapy: Cardio, Respiratory, Gastro & Endocrine Systems
1.5-3 hrs 29,721 learners
By SkillsCommons
You Will Learn How To

Having completed this course you will be able to:

  • Identify common herbal and alternative therapies that are related to the cardiovascular system
  • List the different categorization of blood types
  • Identify the use of a nebulizer
  • Discuss the most effective ways of quitting smoking
  • Differentiate between micronutrients and macronutrients
  • List some trace minerals and their role in the human body
  • Discuss the functions of the endocrine system in the human body
  • Define the difference between hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
  • Describe the effect of insulin on the human body
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Beginner Level
Pharmacotherapy: Cardio, Respiratory, Gastro & Endocrine Systems
1.5-3 hrs
29721 enrolled
Diploma in Pharmacy Technician
6-10 hrs 151,247 learners
By SkillsCommons
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the role of the pharmacy technician as a member of the customer care team
  • Identify four systems of measurement commonly used in pharmacy and convert units from one system to another
  • Compare bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa
  • Outline the role of the Infection Control Committee within a hospital
  • List some conditions and disorders that can affect the male reproductive system
  • Describe different forms of contraceptive products and their potential side effects
  • Discuss the most effective ways to quit smoking
  • Recognize the differences between hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
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Beginner Level
Health Management
Diploma in Pharmacy Technician
6-10 hrs
151247 enrolled
Introduction to Pharmacy Practice
1.5-3 hrs 29,739 learners
By SkillsCommons
You Will Learn How To

Having completed this course you will be able to:

  • Differentiate between a suspension and an emulsion liquid dosage form
  • Identify dosage formulations utilizing the transmucosal route of administration
  • Describe four systems of measurement commonly used in pharmacy and convert units from one system to another
  • Explain the meanings of the prefixes most commonly used in metric measurement
  • Identify a variety of strategies for successful adaptation to the work environment
  • Explain the role of the pharmacy technician as a member of the customer care team in a pharmacy
  • State the primary rule of retail merchandising
  • Define and differentiate the terms licensure, certification, and registration
  • Describe the performance review process
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Beginner Level
Introduction to Pharmacy Practice
1.5-3 hrs
29739 enrolled
Community and Institutional Pharmacy
1.5-3 hrs 22,874 learners
By SkillsCommons
You Will Learn How To

Having completed this course you will be able to:

  • Describe the role of the Institutional Review Board in approving investigational drug studies
  • Explain the functions of a hospital pharmacy department
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of the director of pharmacy, pharmacist, and pharmacy technician in a hospital pharmacy
  • Explain the role of pathogenic organisms in causing disease
  • Distinguish among bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa
  • Identify procedures to minimize airborne contamination during the compounding of sterile preparations
  • Identify the role of the Infection Control Committee within a hospital
  • Discuss the importance of and techniques for preparing, handling, and disposing of hazardous agents
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Beginner Level
Community and Institutional Pharmacy
1.5-3 hrs
22874 enrolled
Introduction to Physical Therapy Aides
1.5-3 hrs 17,158 learners
By SkillsCommons
You Will Learn How To

Having completed this course you will be able to:

  • Define what physical therapy is
  • Discuss the history of physical therapy
  • Discuss the difference between a Physical Therapist. Physical Therapy Aide, and a Physical Therapist Assistant
  • Identify the day to day work of a therapy aide
  • Explain the purpose of a pain scales
  • Identify the terms for movement of the patients and describe the movement each term represents
  • Discuss the general equipment used in physical therapy
  • Explain what a modality is
  • Identify the range of motion for different joins in the body
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Beginner Level
Physical Therapy
Introduction to Physical Therapy Aides
1.5-3 hrs
17158 enrolled
Treatment and Movement of a Patient in Physical Therapy
1.5-3 hrs 15,961 learners
By SkillsCommons
You Will Learn How To

Having completed this course you will be able to:

  • Discuss therapeutic exercises for lower back pain
  • Identify neurological illnesses that physical therapy can help alleviate
  • List the names of different bones in the human body
  • Identify the correct body mechanics for lifting activities
  • Explain the process of getting a patient from a sitting position to a standing position
  • Discuss different methods for transferring a patient to and from chairs, beds, wheelchairs, etc
  • Discuss what is involved in the different modalities for physical therapy treatments
  • Identify equipment for assisting with gait training
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Beginner Level
Physical Therapy
Treatment and Movement of a Patient in Physical Therapy
1.5-3 hrs
15961 enrolled
Diploma in Physical Therapy Aide
5-6 hrs 53,162 learners
By SkillsCommons
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Outline the history of physical therapy
  • List the different facilities in which a physical therapy aide can work
  • Explain the terms for positions and orientation of the patient and describe those positions
  • Identify the range of motion for different joints in the body
  • Describe neurological illnesses that physical therapy can help alleviate
  • Discuss different methods for transferring a patient to and from chairs, beds, wheelchairs, etc
  • Recognize equipment to assist with gait training
  • Identify the correct body mechanics for lifting activities
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Beginner Level
Physical Therapy
Diploma in Physical Therapy Aide
5-6 hrs
53162 enrolled
Showing 1 - 8 of 8
Learner Reviews & Feedback For
Ifedi A.
Love every video in the course, very understandable and well explained.
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William Charles D.
Tough, but doable! And very insightful - broadens your pharma knowledge!
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