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Catalyst 2030

Catalyst 2030 is motivated to upskill its members so their employees and partners are growing their skills to meet a changing working environment to enable them to achieve their SDGs.

Catalyst 2030

Catalyst 2030

Catalyst 2030 is motivated to upskill its members so their employees and partners are growing their skills to meet a changing working environment to enable them to achieve their SDGs.

Free Online Courses, Classes and TutorialsPublisher: Alison Editor

AlisonSystems Change as an Approach to Accelerate Our Goals

Systems change captures the idea of addressing the causes, rather than the symptoms, of a societal issue by taking a holistic or systemic view.

Systemic change is generally understood to require adjustments or transformations in the policies, practices, power dynamics, social norms or mindsets that underlie the societal issue at stake. It often involves the collaboration of a diverse set of players and can take place on a local, national or global level. [New Allies Report] 


Free Systems Change Courses

AlisonUnderstanding Theory of Change

The core premise enabling the realisation of the desired future (change) revolves around accelerating collective action.

Energising sufficient collective action will require focused efforts against supporting consciousness and cultural shifts, strengthening political and community engagement, strengthening systems level funding, fueling collaboration and developing and using systems change tools.


Free Change Management Courses

AlisonR U OK?

Research has shown that mental health is important to our overall well-being. Because we all think, feel and interact with others, it affects our ability to cope with stress, make good decisions and build resilience. The better your overall mental health, the easier you will find it to work efficiently, contribute to your family or community, manage adversity, harness your talents productively and lead a more fulfilled life.

Taking a course in mental health can help you understand your own condition, make you more effective at helping a relative who is struggling or launch you into a career in this sector of the healthcare industry. 

Free Mental Health Courses

AlisonRemote Working Toolkit

For many employees, working from home has been a new, and largely positive, experience. Remote working has meant less commuting, a better work-life balance and even increased productivity.

But for all its positives, working from home can lead to difficulties and can take some adjusting. From missing the professional environment to having to be more flexible with time, remote working can throw up a variety of issues. For many people entering the workforce for the first time in 2020, their first job will be a remote job and these new workers won’t have coworkers on-site to help them learn the ropes. 

Working from Home Courses

AlisonPersonal Development

Personal development is a lifelong process that involves expanding one’s knowledge and improving personal skills. It will give you an opportunity to assess your skills and qualities, consider your aims in life and set new goals.

These courses will teach you strategies and frameworks for self-improvement in order to realise and maximise your potential.  


Free courses

Do you want to upskill your organisation for free?

Email Gillian Loos to set up your Partnership Profile Portal for your social business.