When you think of a career path, many of us venture towards familiar choices like doctors, lawyers, teachers, physiotherapists, and other common titles. These are all great because we need professionals in these fields. But how often have you thought you’d make a great professional sleeper? Yes. This is a real job that someone gets paid real money to do. Want to jump in on the unusual job train? Keep reading for our take on how you can a career off the beaten path.

What are careers off the beaten path?

The truth is, there is some (undeserved) stigma attached to careers that don’t quite follow the traditional path. Many people expect high school graduates to go to a university and complete a four-year degree course and become a lawyer, accountant, or something safe. Then there are other careers that are just as credible and provide the stability that’s sought after. And others that may not need a college degree but exist. Some examples of these are:

  • Ice-cream taster
  • Colour specialist
  • Dog food taster
  • Intimacy coordinator
  • Embalmer
  • Toy designer
  • Hippotherapist
  • Podiatrist
  • Glassblowers
  • Explosive ordnance disposal experts

The list is endless. You can also choose to be a freelancer or venture into entrepreneurship and use your unique set of skills, interests, and abilities to make a career out of it. It depends on whether you’re brave enough to go after the extraordinary and have an interest in doing what others would scoff at.

Taking the off-beaten path

The decision to take the off-beaten path in your career journey can happen when you come out of school and the job in the field you want isn’t coming along. Feeling led to go into a field you weren’t anticipating can feel like a letdown, the money spent on school is going to waste, or you feel uncertain if you can or should do the unorthodox. On the other hand, you’ve been working for years, and you’ve started to feel that something is missing. On paper, you’re winning in every area, but you know you’re made for not just more, but different. Regardless of how you come to this decision, it’s one you should embrace.

Top four reasons to take the unbeaten career path

A career on the unbeaten path is unconventional, but it can also be fun. Here are some reasons why you should consider taking a new route.

  1. It’s thrilling. What could be more exciting than taking a (calculated) risk and doing what many others are scared to do?
  2. You could find gold at the end of the path. There are some jobs that most people won’t do but companies are willing to pay people well to do these jobs.
  3. It’s fun. Find a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. We’ve heard it said before and it’s true. If you decide to pursue a path that you’re truly interested in, you will enjoy waking up to go to work. Better yet, it won’t even feel like work.
  4. Find fulfilment and purpose. Each one of us wants to feel like what we do serves a purpose and gives meaning to our lives. It could be a hobby, volunteering, and sometimes, your 9-5.

When life happens, as it usually does, and you find yourself at a career crossroads, you have two choices. The first is to fight it and possibly spend years waiting for that career opening in your field. Or you can open yourself to a career track.

Tips to help you navigate the off-beaten path

Unfamiliar. Rare. Atypical. Out of the ordinary. Just how do you navigate these uncommon paths? Below are a few tips on how to make the transition into a career that’s beyond the scope of the conventional career route.

  • Be open-minded

An open mind allows you to not only embrace the change but unearth a hidden skill or talent you didn’t know you had. The world is broad, and we tend to spend our lives focused on what we know. Allow yourself to see what else is out there. Enlarge your vision and discover more of what’s out there and in you.

  • Expect change

Following the unbeaten path suggests that there will be twists ad turns and challenges along the way. Go into this new direction expecting changes and be adaptable to what will come.

  • Embrace learning

If you aren’t learning, you aren’t growing. This is true if you are following a traditional career path or not. Show interest in the new career and learn as much as you can about it. Attend meetings, seminars, enrol in courses, upskill yourself, and most importantly, ask lots of questions.

  • Give yourself time

A new career path is as exciting as it is daunting. Know that you won’t figure it all out in the first week, or month. Give yourself time, and patience, to adjust, learn, and figure it out. And because it is new and unconventional, you may not know many people in the space or go anywhere without people asking you 101 questions about why you’re doing what you’re doing. All of this is okay. Be firm and confident in your decision, uncommon as it is.

  • Build a network

This is easier said than done. Especially in unpopular territories. But be comforted in knowing that there is someone out there who is doing, has done, or would like to do what you are doing too. find your new tribe, connect, and use this network to grow and enhance your skills and knowledge in this field.

Before jetting off on unchartered career paths, you will find it helpful to assess your personality type, strengths, and weaknesses and find a list of recommended careers that fit your interests and skill set. After completing this assessment, you can narrow down the options to find where you’ll thrive and what you need to get there.

Like the adage, there’s a lid for every pot. Similarly, if there’s a career you can’t imagine anyone ever doing, someone probably is. And if you’re brave enough to make the leap, it could be you.

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