Amos Watentena: "I won a master’s scholarship partly because of the strength an Alison certificate added to my academic credentials." - Alison Blog

My name is Amos Watentena, a Ugandan by nationality. I have a master’s in Entomology and Forensic Science, which I’ve just completed at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus. I’m not currently working but I’m hoping to soon start my PhD in Global Health.”

How did you learn about Alison?

My first encounter with Alison’s online courses was in 2012, during my bachelor’s studies, when I came across an Alison ad online. I was interested in taking some of the courses but I didn’t have the time then. Later, in 2013, I missed out on certain training that I was supposed to take part in, and decided to utilise my free time by training with Alison.

What was your first course on Alison, and why did you choose it?

The first course I successfully completed was a Certificate in Global Health Initiative: Malaria Awareness. I chose this particular course because I was a Biological Sciences student at the time. I wanted something to boost my scientific skills but I was also thinking about expanding my professional experience to not only include the lab, but also issues of public interest affecting the communities around me. It was indeed helpful. 

How have Alison courses affected your career?

I later enrolled in, and completed, a Diploma in Tourism Studies to supplement my career path. I was particularly fascinated by the history of tourism and the contemporary issues underpinning the tourism industry. I gained confidence in accepting other cultures and it also built my communication skills. I succeeded in winning a scholarship for my master’s degree partly because of the strength an Alison certificate added to my academic credentials. It really was a milestone on my career path.


What’s your favourite way to relax from studying?

In my free time, I read and write scientific articles. I also write a blog.

If you could learn absolutely anything in the world from an Alison course, what would it be?

Alison has a lot of prospective courses ideal for the changing world, from Project Management and Communication to financial and leadership courses. I really wish to take some of these courses in the near future. As I look out for PhD opportunities, I am always proud to move with Alison on my career path. 

What would you say to someone if they asked you about Alison? Would you recommend it and why?

I would highly recommend Alison for everyone, but most importantly for people who want to broaden their skills or otherwise change their career. The flexibility of the learning process, the simplicity of the material, the interaction of the Alison team and the patience of the platform is not to be missed. Perhaps what makes it unique also is its availability in all parts of the world and the fact that you can order your certifications at your convenience and that they’re really cheap. 

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