Technology has benefited our modern lifestyles but it also has its downsides as we spend more time sitting in front of screens. This has led to a widespread rise in levels of obesity, which is a direct cause of many diseases and ailments like cardiovascular trouble, insulin resistance, hormonal problems and so on. Obesity places an increasing strain on our hospitals and healthcare systems and is a severe public health problem. Nevertheless, people are more likely to reverse obesity and reduce their weight if they are guided, trained and mentored effectively.
The experts at Element Recipe have designed this course to teach you how to develop an effective strategy to counter this global problem by harnessing cutting-edge scientific research. It suits professional nutritionists or dieticians or anyone looking to reduce their own weight. Our single module is divided into four topics. Each topic explains an essential component of drawing up an effective weight-loss programme. We begin by debunking some common misconceptions surrounding weight before comparing the nutritional importance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
The course then goes over guidelines regarding the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins and fat that have been drawn up by reputable international health organisations. We break down each level of the ‘weight-loss pyramid’ and explain how it can inform a successful weight-loss strategy. We then show you how natural elements can help you to lose weight. This course is ideal for gym trainers, clinicians, dieticians, nutritionists or other professionals who help clients with their bodies. It can also help you or your loved ones to stay healthy while losing weight. Sign up to learn the science behind body mass and to draw up a weight-loss strategy that leaves you looking and feeling great.
What You Will Learn In This Free Course
- Analyse and debunk common myths rel...
- Evaluate the ‘weight-loss pyramid’ ...
- Compare the benefits of various foo...
- Identify the essential components o...
- Analyse and debunk common myths related to weight-loss programmes
- Evaluate the ‘weight-loss pyramid’ and explain how to implement it
- Compare the benefits of various foods that help weight reduction
- Identify the essential components of an effective weight-loss plan
- Discuss how to draw up an eating schedule that helps you to lose weight
- Describe the role of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in making up a healthy and balanced diet
- Contrast healthy fat types with their unhealthy counterparts
- Summarise the role of five effective fat-burning chemicals
View All Learning Outcomes View Less All Alison courses are free to enrol study and complete. To successfully complete this certificate course and become an Alison Graduate, you need to achieve 80% or higher in each course assessment. Once you have completed this certificate course, you have the option to acquire an official certificate, which is a great way to share your achievement with the world.
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- Ideal for sharing with potential employers
- Great for your CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
- An indication of your commitment to continuously learn, upskill & achieve high results.
- An incentive for you to continue empowering yourself through lifelong learning.
Alison offers 3 types of certificates for completed certificate courses:
- Digital certificate: a downloadable certificate in PDF format immediately available to you when you complete your purchase.
- certificate: a physical version of your officially branded and security-marked certificate
All certificates are available to purchase through the Alison Shop. For more information on purchasing Alison certificate, please visit our FAQs. If you decide not to purchase your Alison certificate, you can still demonstrate your achievement by sharing your Learner Record or Learner Achievement Verification, both of which are accessible from your Account Settings.