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Steven Liguori
Automotive electronics trainer
Personal Development
Engineering & Construction
Teaching on Alison since Aug 2021
Steven Liguori brings to the table an unprecedented passion for teaching. Years of coaching new and experienced students have given him the understanding of what struggling students need most: clear explanations of the information that will lead them to the success they are looking for. Steve teaches in a way that lets the students realise that 'they can do this', not how hard it is. He is passionate about teaching and takes pride in every light bulb he can turn on.

Steve was an ASE (automotive service excellence) certified master automotive technician for over 35 Years. Back in the day, he was the 'go to' guy for vehicles that no one else could fix, as well as a shop foreman and instructor of fellow technicians. After 26 years specialising in diagnosin...
🏆 Top Course by this Course Creator
Automotive Starting System Diagnosis
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Free Online Courses by Steven Liguori
Series Circuit Rules and Ohm's Law
1.5-3 hrs 2,486 learners
By Steven Liguori
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define at least five of the basic electrical terms presented in the course
  • List the three Ohm's law formulas
  • State the four series circuit rules
  • Compute the missing voltage, current or resistance for Ohm's law math examples
  • List the three power formulas
  • Solve series circuit Ohm's law math problems
  • Identify components in series in a demo circuit
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Beginner Level
Series Circuit Rules and Ohm's Law
1.5-3 hrs
2486 enrolled
Parallel Circuit Rules and Ohm's Law
1.5-3 hrs 2,820 learners
By Steven Liguori
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • State the four parallel circuit rules
  • Describe the differences between parallel and series circuits
  • Solve for total resistance in a parallel circuit using the parallel resistance formulas
  • Identify when and when not to use parallel resistance calculation shortcuts
  • List the three Ohm’s Law formulas and three power formulas
  • Recognize when to use math or a parallel circuit rule when evaluating parallel math problems
  • Select to find the missing voltage, current or resistance values in Ohm's Law parallel circuit math examples
  • Identify components in parallel in a demo circuit
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Beginner Level
Parallel Circuit Rules and Ohm's Law
1.5-3 hrs
2820 enrolled
Series Parallel Circuits and Ohm's Law
1.5-3 hrs 3,333 learners
By Steven Liguori
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • State the four series circuit rules
  • Recall the four parallel circuit rules
  • Describe the differences between series circuits, parallel circuits and series parallel circuits
  • Solve for total resistance in series parallel circuits using the series and parallel resistance formulas
  • List the three Ohm’s Law formulas and three power formulas
  • Recognize when to use math or a series or parallel circuit rule when evaluating series parallel math problems
  • Arrange to find the missing voltage, current or resistance values in Ohm's Law series parallel circuit math examples
  • Identify components in parallel in a demo circuit
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Beginner Level
Series Parallel Circuits and Ohm's Law
1.5-3 hrs
3333 enrolled
Diagnose Basic Car Electrical Problems Using Wiring Diagrams
1.5-3 hrs 15,373 learners
By Steven Liguori
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define ‘voltage’, ‘current’ and ‘resistance’
  • State what every basic electrical circuit needs to operate
  • Describe the four types of faults that can affect electrical circuits
  • Explain the differences between series circuits and parallel circuits
  • Label the expected voltage measurements on voltmeter worksheets
  • Recognize how schematics can be drawn differently but still be equivalent electrically
  • Analyze automotive schematic diagrams to determine what parts of a faulty circuit are working based on the condition
  • Explain the process of elimination approach to diagnosing electrical faults
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Beginner Level
Diagnose Basic Car Electrical Problems Using Wiring Diagrams
1.5-3 hrs
15373 enrolled
Automotive Starting System Diagnosis
1.5-3 hrs 11,101 learners
By Steven Liguori
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • State the purpose of the starting system
  • Describe the main parts of the starter motor
  • Label expected voltage areas by highlighting schematics using multiple colors
  • Identify starting system components on an electrical schematic
  • Analyze starting system schematics to determine what parts of the circuit are good, based on the condition present
  • Explain the process of elimination approach to diagnosing electrical faults
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Beginner Level
Automotive Engineering
Automotive Starting System Diagnosis
1.5-3 hrs
11101 enrolled
Showing 1 - 5 of 5
Learner Reviews & Feedback For
Gabriel S.
Very good course and the lectures were easy to understand. Simplified, but very rich content. The course was worth my time and I am prepared to do another one.
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That was good. Gave me an understanding of the parts of electronics information I was missing
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