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George Patriki has over seven years of lived experience as an ex-addict and spent over ten years accessing various treatment and recovery programmes to work through the underlying issues. Soon after exiting the drug culture in 1983, he began reaching out to people with substance abuse issues and has more than 28 years of clinical experience as a counsellor, educator and clinical supervisor.

George has accreditation with the Victoria Department of Human Services in Australia as a clinical drug assessor. He also conducts basic and advanced training in drug, alcohol and mental health issues and delivers RPL (recognition of prior learning) assessment, training and upskilling in Certificate IV and Diploma in Community Services. He also offers clinical supervision for individuals and organisations, and lectures at tertiary institutions as well as government and non-government organisations.

Patriki is committed to reaching out to people struggling with addictive behaviours, particularly those with severe life-controlling problems due to significant trauma. He works in areas of court advocacy, counselling, outreach, community forums, seminars and recovery groups for drug users (including dual and multiple diagnosis) and their loved ones.To learn more about George and what they have to offer, take a look at their LinkedIn profile here.

Free, Online Courses Created by George Patriki

  • Certificate Anger Management and Conflict Resolution

    Anger Management and Conflict Resolution

    3-4 hrs
    Learn the various strategies used in anger management and conflict resolution in this free online course.
  • Diploma Diploma in Addictions, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment

    Diploma in Addictions, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment

    10-15 hrs
    Explore the impact and treatments of a combination of substance abuse and mental disorders in this free online course.
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