Written by Liau Alex

Understanding and dealing with the difficulties of raising a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) means grasping the specific motivation challenges they go through. Having trouble focusing, experiencing changes in their mood, and organising tasks may prove difficult for children with ADHD.

This blog post delves into the motivation issues in children with ADHD, exploring the underlying factors that contribute to these challenges. ADHD affects more than just the ability to focus; it also influences how children perceive rewards, setbacks, and their own abilities to succeed. By shedding light on these intricacies, I aim to offer insights and practical strategies to help children with ADHD find motivation and achieve their full potential.

Three Motivation Issues Present in Children with ADHD

  1. Trouble Focusing

If your child has ADHD, staying focused on important things can be tricky. This can manifest in school and everyday tasks. In class, they might not finish assignments or have trouble following directions. At home, even easy chores can feel like a big deal.

To help with this, try breaking tasks into smaller parts. Use pictures or set up a special place to work. Talking with teachers about personalized strategies for the classroom can really make a difference in improving focus and finishing tasks.

  1. Mood Swings

If your child has ADHD, handling emotions can be a bit tricky. They might have unexpected mood swings and strong reactions. Figuring out what sets off these emotional changes is really important. It could be changes in routine, things they see or hear, or feeling frustrated when focusing for a long time.

As a parent, you’re a big help in guiding your child through these emotions. Having a regular schedule, providing lots of emotional support, and teaching calming tricks such as deep breathing or mindfulness exercises can make a big difference in helping them handle their feelings better.

  1. Sorting Out Tasks

If your child has ADHD, deciding what to do first can be challenging for them. It’s not just in school; things like getting dressed or organizing stuff can feel overwhelming.

But as a parent, you can help! Try using pictures to show what comes first, using colours to make things clear, and reminding them about the order of tasks. Celebrating even small victories helps them feel good about getting things done.

Helping your child with ADHD stay motivated needs a complete plan. Team up with teachers to use special classroom strategies for a supportive environment. Getting advice from healthcare pros and therapists can give you more tips and resources.

At home, it’s important to create a supportive atmosphere. Talk openly, set goals that make sense, and cheer for small wins. Keep in mind: every kid’s journey is different, so being patient, understanding, and giving constant support is the key to their success. If you want to better understand your child’s ADHD motivation, you can learn more from my various courses available for free on Alison, which will empower you to do as such!

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About The Author

Liau Alex obtained his degree in Psychology from the National University of Singapore and specialises in childhood disorders, specifically learning and behavioural difficulties. He has many years of experience working with children exhibiting a wide array of learning and behaviour challenges, many of whom have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

As an author, Alex has two titles published by Future Horizons Inc. (USA), the world leader in autism and sensory resources. Schools worldwide have used his books for inclusive education and parent training for children with special needs. Titles under his name include School Shadow Guidelines (2015) and A Parent’s Guide to Early Intervention (2021).

Alex received training on early intensive behavioural intervention (EIBI) in Australia and subsequently went to the USA, where he received relationship development intervention (RDI) training under Dr Steven Gutstein and Dr Rachel Sheely. He has presented in Australia, Houston, and Singapore and has also been invited to participate in media interviews. Furthermore, he has worked with clients from across the globe, including China, Taiwan, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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