“My name is Mafusi Anna Makhuvhela, a former student at the University of Johannesburg where I studied Marketing. In 2016, my team and I represented our country at the Enactus International Competition in Toronto, Canada, competing with universities from 36 other countries. My role at Enactus, as General Secretary, was to take minutes, write reports and organize meetings. I’m also a research assistant to a PhD faculty advisor and lecturer. I do research and statistical analysis on various Enactus projects. I’m hardworking, passionate and dedicated to everything I commit to do. I never give up until I achieve what I intended to achieve.”

How did you learn about Alison?

I learned about Alison from my aunt who is a lecturer at the University of Johannesburg. From the bottom of my heart, I’m dedicated and willing to learn in each and everything that I do. My aim is to develop myself and to be able apply my skills and expertise to develop both the community I live in and to contribute to the well-being of the company where I’m employed.

What was your first course on Alison, and why did you choose it?

My first Alison course was a coronavirus certificate. It appeared as an Emergency Course when I opened the website so I decided to do it first.

How have Alison courses affected your career?

Alison courses have boosted me in a very good way and taught me lots of things. Alison has strengthened my ability to study on my own and not depend on anyone. I will one day be able to reach my goals with the help of Alison courses and the support of people around me.

What’s your favourite way to relax from studying?

My favourite way of relaxing is writing my book. I am currently writing a book about myself in order to reflect on my journey as a person. I’m also good at cooking and I did a Diploma in Food Safety, and completed several other food certificates.

Where are you working now?

I previously worked as an assistant at a B&B and I’m currently involved in a restaurant as a manager part-time. However, due to the pandemic nothing is going very well but I’m crossing my fingers that all things are going to work out for the good.

What’s next for you, in terms of education or work?

Right now, I’m studying a project management diploma course and I will start another one after. I’m planning on studying something that will help me to get a job for me to provide for my family. However, because of unemployment due to coronavirus I’m struggling with getting data to be able to login and continue with my studies. At this hard time, things aren’t going good but I trust in God that in no time things will go well. Having trust is one of the best things one can have. We all need to have it because things don’t go as we plan them.

If you could learn absolutely anything in the world from an Alison course, what would it be? 

If I could learn absolutely anything in this world from Alison it would be how to how to develop my own app – how to develop an app to raise funds for the homeless. I believe that if you want to see change you must be the change you want to see.

Follow Mafusi’s lead and start a course in Project Management.

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