Education is the key that opens all doors, George Washington Carver. Laban Mtware listened to the age-old saying and grabbed the opportunity to empower himself through e-learning. Mtware is a recent Alison graduate who completed his educational journey through the transforming experience of upskilling for free on Alison. Join us as we explore his motivational journey, charting his progression from college to employment and revealing the value of accessible education in today’s changing environment.

Meet Laban Mtware from Kenya

Kenyan-born Laban Mtware is a systemic change agent. He’s passionate about the sustainability of community-owned and driven initiatives that work towards mitigating poverty, promoting science-driven knowledge at the grassroots level, and supporting the efforts towards meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Alison: Tell us a bit about yourself and your background.

Laban: I am the Founder and CEO of KISSPRO Kenya, an organisation that pools communities towards addressing their own socio-economic challenges in innovative ways. I am also establishing various organisations, where I wish to incorporate some commercialisation for scaling some of the models I have come up with.

Alison: What was your first course on Alison, and why did you choose it?

Laban: Project Management. Even though project design, implementation, and evaluation make a big part of the work I do, I have done a Project Management course. This has always left some gaps, especially where proper Project Management methods and the use of Project Management tools were requested by supporting partners. Even where I proved to be proficient, I still needed a course qualification and a certificate to back me up, and I ended up losing potential partners.

Alison provides a self-paced opportunity with well-designed, easy-to-understand, high-quality courses and a very high standard of evaluation test threshold. Unlike other platforms that I tried, even without going through the modules, people do guesswork and pass. I have almost managed to save to pay for my first course and am doing another!

Alison: What are you studying now?

Laban: I am currently studying towards my Diploma in Environmental Management.

Alison: If you could learn anything in the world from an Alison course, what would it be?

Laban: I would love a course that addresses leadership in sustainable development.

Alison: Did any courses you completed result in a new job or promotion?

Laban: My current partners, who happen to be universities and university researchers, have noticed improvements in my language and how I work. I already have one confirmed commitment to a project! I got three offers for consultancies due to my certification and ongoing study.

Alison: Are there any more courses you’d like to register for?

Laban: I wish to do two more diplomas and shift my focus to advocacy for the communities and landscapes I am working for and with. I hope that both KISSPRO KENYA and CBS Hub & Spoke PLC will be established, and I wish to continue my community change agency.

Alison: What made you choose Alison to study further?

Laban: Alison provides a self-paced opportunity with well-designed, easy-to-understand, but quality curriculums and a very high standard of evaluation test threshold. This threshold for serious course study is another benefit. And, of course, the Certificate and Diploma fees are affordable.

Alison: What’s your favourite way to relax from studying?

Laban: I love fieldwork, volunteer work in community activities, and playing instrumental guitar music.

Alison: Would you recommend it and why?

Laban: I would recommend Alison. It’s your best career development partner. Alison understands your busy schedule, walks with you at your pace, understands your wallet and accommodates that into your training, and gives you back the opportunity to study again. If I have done it at 50, anyone can do it!

When Laban initially signed up for his first course on Alison, he had no idea that his commitment and effort would be a motivating example for others starting their own journey of personal growth and career development. By utilising free online resources, staying determined, putting in hard work, and making the most of available tools, we can all move closer to our aspirations and achieve our professional goals.

When we decide to pursue education through online learning platforms like Alison, we also have the opportunity to close the distance between our ambitions and accomplishments. This way, anyone with the desire to learn can transform dreams into reality.


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