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Advance Learning - Chemistry
Dr. Seoudi, Chemistry Expert
Teaching & Academics
Engineering & Construction
Teaching on Alison since Aug 2021
Advance Learning - Chemistry is a premier online educational provider, specialising in chemistry courses. They are known for their expertise in research and pedagogy, and have collaborated with Dr. Rania S. Seoudi, a distinguished subject matter expert with a PhD in Chemistry from Latrobe University, Australia. Together, they offer a range of asynchronous chemistry courses, thoughtfully designed for learners at all levels.

Dr. Seoudi’s impressive background as a lecturer, researcher, and writer in the field of chemistry greatly enriches the course content. She has published multiple papers and led various workshops, contributing to the advancement of chemical education. Her extensive hands-on experience in laboratories further enhances the practicality ...
🏆 Top Course by this Course Creator
Beginner Chemistry: Matter and Atoms
1,465 Learners already enrolled
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Free Online Courses by Advance Learning - Chemistry
Beginner Chemistry: Matter and Atoms
4-5 hrs 1,465 learners
By Advance Learning - Chemistry
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Outline the concepts of matter, elements and compounds
  • List the states of matter and outline their properties
  • Describe the behaviour of ideal gases and liquids
  • Compare distinct types of crystal lattices (ionic, metallic or covalent lattices)
  • Define the atom, the atomic number (Z), the mass number (A), isotopes and ions
  • Discuss the structure of atoms and their subatomic particles: protons, neutrons and electrons
  • Identify the atomic number of hydrogen, oxygen and other elements
  • Calculate the mass number (A)
  • Explain how positive ions (cations) and negative ions (anion) form
  • Recognise the long and the short form of the electronic configuration
  • Write the electronic configuration for different elements and positive and negative ions
  • Explain the variables that affect element ionisation energy
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Beginner Chemistry: Matter and Atoms
4-5 hrs
1465 enrolled
Beginner Chemistry: Moles Calculations & Chemical Bonds
3-4 hrs 799 learners
By Advance Learning - Chemistry
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define ‘relative atomic’ and ‘molecular masses’, the ‘mole’ and ‘Avogadro's Constant’
  • Explain how to use the relative formula mass and the mass spectrometer
  • Identify and write a chemical equation and its parts
  • List the steps of balancing a chemical equation
  • Describe how to deduce the stoichiometry of a reaction
  • State the notions of ionic and covalent compounds
  • Indicate the relationship between bond length and bond energy and reactivity
  • Discuss the shapes of molecules and electron-pair repulsion theory
  • Recognise the various types of hybridisation
  • Summarise the factors that affect the strength of the metallic bonds and the properties of metals
  • Outline the links between chemical bonding and physical characteristics and solubility of substances
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Beginner Chemistry: Moles Calculations & Chemical Bonds
3-4 hrs
799 enrolled
Beginner Chemistry: Enthalpy Change and Lattice Energy
1.5-3 hrs 410 learners
By Advance Learning - Chemistry
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define ‘enthalpy’
  • Describe the different types of enthalpy changes
  • Indicate the enthalpy changes of exothermic and endothermic reactions
  • List the standard conditions used to obtain standard enthalpy
  • Discuss Hess's Law and the enthalpy cycle diagram
  • Outline the notions of lattice energy and lattice enthalpy
  • Explain the concept of electron affinity 
  • Summarise the factors that affect lattice energy
  • Describe the ion polarisation and variables that impact it
  • Outline Fajans’ rules for predicting the type of formed bond
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Beginner Chemistry: Enthalpy Change and Lattice Energy
1.5-3 hrs
410 enrolled
Beginner Chemistry: Redox Reactions, Equilibrium & Rates of Reaction
1.5-3 hrs 1,022 learners
By Advance Learning - Chemistry
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Summarise the five basic types of chemical reaction
  • Outline the concept of oxidation numbers and the rules for calculating them
  • Explain redox reactions
  • List the steps involved in balancing the ionic equations
  • State the groups of inorganic compounds
  • Define ‘reversible reactions’ and compare acids and bases
  • Discuss Le Chatelier’s principle and the Brønsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases
  • Recognise the differences between strong and weak acids and bases
  • State the different types of arrows used in chemical equations
  • Describe the rate of a chemical reaction and the factors influencing it
  • Recall the benefits of using enzymes in the biotechnological industry
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Beginner Chemistry: Redox Reactions, Equilibrium & Rates of Reaction
1.5-3 hrs
1022 enrolled
Intermediate Chemistry: Periodicity and Periodic Table
1.5-3 hrs 634 learners
By Advance Learning - Chemistry
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Indicate the metals and non-metals positions on the Periodic Table
  • Discuss the periodicity of physical properties
  • Describe periodic patterns of first ionisation energies and atomic and ionic radii
  • Outline the pattern of the first ionisation energy of period 3 elements
  • Summarise the period 3 melting points and electrical conductivity pattern
  • Discuss the periodicity of chemical properties
  • Describe period 3 metals, non-metals and metalloid reactions with oxygen and chlorine
  • Distinguish the period 3 oxidation states of oxides
  • Explain the reaction of period 3 metal, metalloid and non-metal oxides with water
  • Identify the acidic, basic and amphoteric nature of period 3 oxides
  • Summarise the properties of period 3 chlorides
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Intermediate Chemistry: Periodicity and Periodic Table
1.5-3 hrs
634 enrolled
Intermediate Chemistry: Halogens & Alkaline Earth Metals
1.5-3 hrs 265 learners
By Advance Learning - Chemistry
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this coursee, you will be able to:

  • Discuss group 2 elements or alkaline earth metals
  • Recognise the group 2 elements and their electronic structures
  • Describe the physical and chemical properties of group 2 elements
  • Explain the reaction of group 2 elements with oxygen, water and dilute acids
  • Outline the differences between group 2 carbonates and nitrates decomposition
  • List the uses of group 2 elements in industry
  • Discuss the group 17 elements, also known as halogens
  • Summarise the physical and chemical properties of group 17 elements
  • Explain the group 17 elements' reaction with metals, non-metals and hydrogen
  • Outline the group 17 elements' reactivity around electronegativity
  • Describe halide ions reactions with concentrated sulphuric acid
  • Indicate the industrial application of halogens and their compounds
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Intermediate Chemistry: Halogens & Alkaline Earth Metals
1.5-3 hrs
265 enrolled
Intermediate Chemistry: Nitrogen, Transition Elements and Metal Complexes
1.5-3 hrs 273 learners
By Advance Learning - Chemistry
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define nitrogen, sulfur and transition elements
  • Identify the reasons for the low reactivity of nitrogen gas
  • Describe the preparation of ammonia in the laboratory
  • Recognise the uses of ammonia and ammonium compounds
  • Summarise the physical properties and manufacture of sulfur
  • Indicate the steps of sulfuric acid manufacture
  • Outline the difference between transition and s-block elements
  • Discuss the formation of coordination bonds
  • State the stereoisomerism of transition element complexes
  • List the substitution of ligands and stability constants of complexes
  • Explain how the colors of transition elements originate
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Intermediate Chemistry: Nitrogen, Transition Elements and Metal Complexes
1.5-3 hrs
273 enrolled
Intermediate Chemistry: Introduction to Organic Chemistry
1.5-3 hrs 1,809 learners
By Advance Learning - Chemistry
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define the term "organic compounds"
  • Describe the empirical, molecular and structural formulas of organic compounds
  • Discuss the 2D representation of organic compounds using the displayed and skeletal formula
  • Summarise the 3D displays of organic compounds
  • Outline the role of bonding in organic molecules
  • List the different types of structural isomerism, stereoisomerism and geometrical and optical isomers
  • Indicate various examples of electrophiles and nucleophiles
  • State the different types of organic reactions
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Intermediate Chemistry: Introduction to Organic Chemistry
1.5-3 hrs
1809 enrolled
Showing 1 - 8 of 25
Learner Reviews & Feedback For
Police Pull Up Lock G.
This course is mostly about how the reactions of aldehydes and ketones and carboxylic acids work also it teaches I about the differences between aldehydes and ketones.
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1. Seamless website2. Excellent precise content3. Examples were helpful
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