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Conservatory trained in both piano performance and composition, Jonathan Haidle brings a strong depth to his teaching and music. After getting a Master's in Education, he founded Forte Music School in 2004, which has conducted over 130 000 lessons since then.

Jonathan is also an active composer for film and TV, and writes and releases work as a solo artist under the moniker, Pink Buddha. His solo work sounds like a blend of James Blake, Radiohead and Philip Glass (with a pinch of Kanye West).

Since founding Forte Music School in 2004 Jonathan has expanded into more online offerings for music production and composition.

Free, Online Courses Created by Pink Buddha Academy

  • Certificate A Guide to Creating Stronger Melodies

    A Guide to Creating Stronger Melodies

    4-5 hrs
    Level-up your music compositions by learning about creating melodies and building tension with this free online course.
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