Any training program that a potential Border Patrol Officer takes up requires intense physical and mental preparation before active service.
Trainees learn about law enforcement and demonstrate their ability to make decisions and overcome challenges under stress before being assigned for formal training.
In some locations, Border Patrol Officer interns undergo a nearly two-month course that includes physical exercise, operation of motor vehicles, anti-terrorism training, communications, report writing, and basic computer knowledge.
You will also learn about immigration and nationality law, criminal law and statutory authority, constitutional law, a functional foreign language, border patrol operations, ethics and conduct, fingerprinting, and care and use of firearms.
In other countries, successful candidates may join as border force apprentices and earn and learn on the job. Prerequisites include a high school diploma, including mastery of English and math and a higher education diploma in operational delivery.
In either case, the performance of the newly-trained officers will be reviewed at the end of a stipulated probationary period. You could also enter the field as a border force assistant officer and work up to the Border Patrol Officer position.
Prior work experience in security, regulatory, or investigatory fields, such as immigration casework, border security, fraud investigation, and revenue compliance, would make you an eligible applicant.
The unique transferable skills that former members of the armed forces or law enforcement (correction officers, police officers, security guards) possess would add value to their applications. Part-time work as a travel adviser or baggage handler or in the retail/hospitality branches of seaports, railway stations, or airports will help.
Seek and make the best of any opportunity to take up regular cardiovascular exercise and strength training to ready yourself for the exacting physical demands of the qualifying examinations and the job.
Read about the profession and interview experts working in border patrol to prove your commitment to course providers and prospective employers.