My name is Mark Bryant and I live in Seattle, Washington. I’m a Silver Sneakers instructor, Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Powerlifting Coach. I’m also a Powerlifting World Champion. Having been born premature in my native Queens, New York, I experienced difficulties with learning as a child and school became a difficult place to be. To add to that, I suffered abuse at the hand of my stepfather as a youth, which meant my home life was uncertain and unsafe. With no refuge indoors, I immersed myself in the study of anatomy after a friend introduced me to the names of bones – something I hadn’t even fathomed I could do. Later on, I also found refuge in martial arts and weightlifting. I moved to Seattle in my mid-twenties and became a fitness instructor, later going to school to become a Health and Fitness Technologist.

As time progressed, I sought more education to add to my fitness knowledge base and to incorporate that knowledge into my work as a personal trainer, and my own physical fitness as well. Despite my early learning difficulties, I have always pursued education and with the coursework I’ve found through Alison, I have been able to do that at my own pace. Because of my dedication to education, my clients understand why we complete certain exercises, and the members of my powerlifting team understand how to use their bodies to perform lifts optimally.”

How did you learn about Alison?

I’m always searching for online fitness courses, always wanting to learn something new. During one of my online searches, Alison popped up. I had never heard of Alison before and I did some exploring. I was floored to find that classes in a whole range of subject matters were free. I jumped at the chance to register.

What was your first course on Alison, and why did you choose it?

The first course I embarked on was the Physical Education – Fitness Training Principles and Methods certificate programme. As a fitness expert, I want to ensure I maintain and expand on my knowledge base through continuing my education in the field of fitness. Alison makes that a possibility.

How have Alison courses affected your career?

Alison courses have built upon my comprehensive foundation in fitness education. What I’ve learned from these courses is invaluable and it informs my work as a personal trainer, powerlifting coach, and my own physical fitness journey. I offer my clients education in addition to training so they understand what muscle groups are targeted and why. 


What’s your favorite way to relax from studying?

More studying! I value education and I want to remain current on fitness education. I also exercise, which is especially important during these times. 

Where are you working/what are you studying now?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have had to temporarily suspend my work as a Silver Sneakers fitness instructor. What I have been able to do, though, is deliver lunches to my students and others in surrounding senior communities. I’m currently taking several personal training courses and continuing education courses in various subject areas within the fitness realm. 

What’s next for you, in terms of education or work?

In terms of education, my plan is to enroll in a course in Exercise Physiology with the Stanford University’s Center for Health Education. In terms of work, I can’t wait to get back!

What would you say to someone if they asked you about Alison? Would you recommend it and why?

If you feel you can’t afford quality education, you absolutely can with Alison. Alison courses are free, accredited, and legitimate and you only need to pay if you are seeking a diploma or degree. There is no excuse to not be educated!

Get fit today by starting your Physical Education now!

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