“My name is Joy Cherotich from Kenya. I achieved my secondary school certificate in 2007 but afterwards I didn’t join a college due to financial problems. However I learned about Alison through a friend and Alison educated me by offering me free courses!”

What was your first course on Alison, and why did you choose it?

My first course was the Diploma in Customer Service

What’s your favourite way to relax from studying?

I like playing gospel music.


Where are you working and what are you studying now?

I’m currently working at Bethesda Health Care Service Ltd in Nandi Hills in Kenya. I am planning to study Pharmacy.


What’s next for you, in terms of education or work?

I’m planning to pursue more courses with Alison.

If you could learn absolutely anything in the world from an Alison course, what would it be?

I’d like to learn how to help others and how to never give up.

What would you say to someone if they asked you about Alison? Would you recommend it and why?

Yes I would because Alison is free and provides you with certification.

Start learning with Alison now!

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