TikTok. The new social media “Kid on the Block”. And quickly growing in popularity as the go-to social media platform for individuals and brands alike. TikTok is no longer just the “next big thing”. It is the “big thing” and it’s here to stay.

In the same way that affiliate marketing is continually growing in popularity, TikTok is another platform that you as an affiliate can leverage to amplify your business as an affiliate marketer. This article discusses TikTok and provides you with steps on how to use TikTok for affiliate marketing. Let’s get into it.

What is TikTok?

TikTok is a mobile-based video-sharing app where users can create and share short videos about anything. Content creators use TikTok for more than just lip-syncing or dance routines, they create sketches and educational, entertaining video content up to 10 minutes long. Here, users can tap into their creative wells and use filters, stickers, background music, sound effects, animation, and more on their videos for dramatic effect.

Who should use TikTok?

At first glance, you may ask yourself if TikTok is a good platform for businesses or what success you can have as an affiliate. TikTok does have a large Gen-Z user market, but its platform demographic is diverse, with a notable concentration of young adults and middle-aged users consuming content daily.

What makes TikTok ideal for affiliate marketers

Since launching in 2016, TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms. Its large user base means that your content can be seen and shared by millions of individuals who cover a diverse demographic and interest base. So why should Affiliates use this platform?

  • Its brief video format allows you to share short but impactful content which can generate sales.
  • With over 834 million users and the most popular App downloaded in recent years, Affiliate marketers can reach thousands of people worldwide with just one video. 
  • Affiliates with a TikTok business account can place their affiliate links in the video descriptions, making promoting their products/services easier.
  • The platform style allows you to create lots of content with minimal investment.
  • Affiliates can produce brief, snappy material that is simple for users to consume and therefore likely to lead to a conversion.
  • Its algorithm, run through the ‘For You Page’ (fyp), shows users videos based on what they have clicked, liked, or are popular, meaning you can build an engaged audience quickly.

6 ways to leverage TikTok as an affiliate marketer

  1. Set up a business account. A business account has access to analytics and features that a personal account doesn’t have. This will help you determine which videos perform better than others. You can also add one clickable link (for example your website or affiliate link) to your bio to ensure your followers don’t miss it. 
  2. Select your affiliate programme carefully. Yes, TikTok has a large and diverse user profile, but its majority are under the age of 30 (47.4%). This age range may not have as large a disposable income as the older demographic so you should select products or services that will appeal to this crowd, something they won’t mind spending their money on, for example investing in their education or career In fact, the industry that’s performing the best on TikTok right now, is higher education. TikTokers who are promoting content in higher education are posting less than twice a week, but receiving the highest engagement of almost 18% per post, significantly higher than any other industry!
  3. Build a strong channel. Your success as an affiliate is largely based on numbers. You need to ensure that the medium and content you create are attractive. Create a space that people will want to come to. The more people visit your channel, the more excellent the opportunity you have to convert their visits into sales.
  • Use hashtags (#). Keep it at two or three.
  • Stay up to date with emerging trends like popular sounds
  • Encourage engagement and interaction with your followers through video duets or stitches
  • Like and respond to comments under your videos as well as videos created by others
  1. Promote your products organically. Although you are advertising a product or service, you ideally want to do so organically. This means the product placement is subtle and not in-your-face. Create curiosity in your followers to learn more about the product or service and ultimately, use your affiliate link to make a purchase.
  2. Repurpose traffic. The added beauty of TikTok is that you can link your other social media profiles to your bio page. By doing this you can direct some of the traffic from TikTok to your other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or YouTube where you may have a larger following or more content posted. Try creating a LinkTree account. This allows you to store multiple links in one place which you can then add to your bio. 
  3. Be human. Oftentimes, Affiliate marketers or content creators get caught up in the world of creating posts to promote their products, and as a result, their content can have a robotic feel to it. Users notice this and aren’t always very forthcoming which can damage potential sale opportunities that you depend on as an affiliate. With TikTok, you can humanise your brands (which followers prefer) and speak in a real and engaging way with your audience about your product. For example, if you are creating a video, promoting an online course to your audience, take the course yourself, give it a positive review and tell your viewers what they can expect to learn. This helps you build trust and enhances engagement with your channel

There’s more. Get in on some fun challenges. Use paid ads. Use discount codes. These are just some tips and tricks to help you get your affiliate marketing career going on TikTok. Explore the TikTok realm and learn what other creators are doing.

Not yet an Affiliate Marketer?

It’s easy to become an Affiliate and even easier if it’s with Alison. There is no application form so once you’ve created your Alison account, you can become an Affiliate with a click of a button.

  1.     Register as an Affiliate

Visit our Affiliate Page and click the button “Become an Affiliate”. Once you accept the T&Cs, you are fully registered. It’s that easy! You can also join one of our informative webinar sessions and speak directly with an Alison representative to learn more about empowering others as an Alison affiliate.

  1.     Invite

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  1.     Earn money

You will receive 20% of the revenue generated by the new learners who come to Alison through your Affiliate links.

No matter how old (or young) you are, TikTok is a phenomenal platform for anyone to use and for affiliates to grow their affiliate marketing business. The key is to know the platform and create content that works for its users.

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