Even before the pandemic made working from their computer a given for a huge portion of the workforce, more and more people have been turning to the lucrative opportunities to be found online. The internet is a goldmine for entrepreneurs with a good idea and a can-do attitude. The  e-Commerce market is growing exponentially and by upskilling in a few crucial areas, you can be readily equipped to make the most out of this burgeoning marketplace.

We’ve put together a list of the vital skills necessary to succeed in the online world. While traditional sales and marketing knowledge will stand to you in this new field, there are many tricks and tips that are unique to the online marketplace. These five courses will provide you with everything you need to know to win the web!

Diploma in E-Commerce Web Development

This popular diploma is the perfect starting point for anyone beginning their journey in e-Commerce. You’ll be walked through the basics of web development and learn how to create an e-Commerce site from scratch. The course covers all of the most important languages, including HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and SQL. Once you’ve become used to these basic languages, you’ll learn more complicated e-Commerce functionalities, such as how to display your products attractively online.

Sourcing and Customising Best Selling Products for e-Commerce

E-commerce is an incredibly competitive sector and so you’ll need to be ahead of the pack if you want your online sales to generate more than just a passive income stream. This course from e-Commerce expert Theo McArthur will give you the competitive edge you need to succeed. The course teaches you how to identify, source, customise and, most importantly, sell products that are in high demand. Theo’s course will also educate you on how best to leverage online marketplaces such as Amazon and Clickbank.

Build WordPress Sites That Attract Free Traffic

Focusing on the latest techniques in SEO (search engine optimisation), this course will teach you how to attract visitors (and hopefully customers!) to your e-Commerce site. You’ll learn how to generate high quality traffic for free by getting the best out of your hosting providers. The course also covers keywords, click through rate, Google rankings and how to optimise your metadata.


Copywriting for Conversions: How to Write Persuasive Content

You might have the perfect website, coded and optimised to perfection, but if the content isn’t engaging then website visitors won’t become customers. The programming and SEO behind a great e-Commerce site are crucial but they are ultimately behind the website. Front and centre to your website will be the copy and so it needs to be attention-grabbing so that you can convert interest into sales. This course will teach you the power of words to generate interest and create desires and instruct you in how you can use this to sell your product.

Marketing Through the Internet and Social Media

There’s a steep learning curve when it comes to online marketing. It can seem like success is all down to chance until it clicks and you realise what you’ve been doing wrong and how you can do it right. This course in online and social media marketing can save you a lot of time and mistakes. It covers all of the key topics you need to create a successful marketing strategy. From brand management to capturing leads and from SWOT analysis to rules for posting, this course will make sure that all your hard work gets converted into profit.

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