Recruitment processes are becoming more and more digital and employers are looking for talent online. As a job seeker, it’s important for you to have strong online visibility to get noticed, and eventually, get hired.

Here are 10 Proven Ways you can kickstart your online journey.

1. Optimise your Social Media

Each social platform provides you with an opportunity to showcase your personality and achievements. Take some time out to complete your Facebook “About Me” section, Twitter Bio, and your LinkedIn profile with details on your education, skills, and interests.


2. Start Blogging

Blogging is an excellent way to demonstrate your knowledge and position yourself as a subject matter expert. It’s a digital record that highlights your expertise and your passion.


3. Your Online Education

There’s no better place to showcase your online learning achievements than by adding “Alison” under the “Education” section of your LinkedIn profile, to help you stand out and attract potential employers. Who knows, an employer may notice your profile even before posting a job advertisement!


4. Participate in Online Forums

From Wiki Answers and Quora, to LinkedIn and Facebook Groups, participate in online forums and Q&A platforms. This not only helps showcase your expertise but also network with industry experts and build your online reputation.


5. Stay Current

Be it your social media account or online forums, share relevant content and talk about the latest news within your industry. Join conversations on Twitter or LinkedIn using the hashtag (#) feature to participate in trending conversations, and blog about current topics.

6. Build Your Own Website

A website with your own domain name makes an incredible impact on your online visibility. It establishes a single destination where you can add all your achievements. Your employer can easily access everything they need to know about you in one place, with one click.


7. Make the Best Use of Social

Make optimum use of social media by sharing relevant content to build both your personal and professional profile. For example, if you’re a Photographer, use photo-based platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to showcase your photographs and build your fan base.


8. Start Vlogging

Video + Blogging = Vlogging. Vlogs are blogs in video format where you record videos of your speech or demo and publish them. With your knowledge and expertise of your industry, vlogging on popular channels like YouTube allows you to cement yourself as a thought leader.


9. Include Your Work Samples

Add your work samples to your professional accounts like LinkedIn to demonstrate your capabilities and accomplishments. Whenever you add a new job experience, also add relevant links to your work samples and present it in a professional way. Add impressive work that will showcase the depth of your capabilities.


10. Become a Subject Matter Expert

No matter which channel you choose to boost your online visibility, positioning yourself as a subject matter expert is essential for all channels. Start gaining expertise with Alison Learning Paths, combinations of expert-selected niche courses.


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