It is important to understand that businesses today have to include cannot keep the web out of their marketing. This free online course will teach you the benefits of developing a positive mindset, several online business ideas, and how to use the internet to give yourself the best chance of becoming successful. Discover the major types of people in the entrepreneurship world such as dabblers, achievers, and masters. Learn the habits of highly successful people that would potentially help you to become successful as well as tools such as mind mapping for understanding yourself better, clarifying your goals and long-term direction. Some other concepts you will learn about include “hedgehog” which helps filter ideas, peoples’ personality types and how to deal with them, and examples of people such as Ryan Higa who makes a hundred thousand dollars a year through making Youtube videos and Darren Rowse who makes close to a million dollars a year through blogging.
Next up, you will learn how to use tools such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube to brand yourself, get yourself a better job, potential customers, or traffic for your websites. How to buy a domain name and create a website without any technical expertise are then discussed along with how to position yourself as an expert in your niche, and even become an author. The course content goes on to teach you Robert Cialdini's six laws of influence which will enable you to increase your sales, gain people’s trust, and stay consistent with your public image. It’s important to understand how important building trust and branding yourself is in establishing an online business and there are specific examples included in the course material as well. You will discover how your country of origin could impact on your sales and the e-commerce course finishes by comprehensively discussing how to set up an e-commerce website and the technical aspects of online payments.
With the advent of online technologies, the opportunities for enterprising on the web have increased exponentially. A product can be manufactured from China or any other country, get posted online and delivered to a warehouse in the United States. Amazon sells over USD 230 billion every year online and this course will teach you how to open up businesses in the UK, United States, or Dubai without actually having citizenship or having to visit these countries. It will help you to understand how you can participate in and dominate the online economy and this entrepreneurship course is suitable for anyone including beginners with no experience, students, or working professionals who would love to supplement their income by making money online. This course could also be of benefit to existing businesses who want to expand their online reach and sales.
What You Will Learn In This Free Course
- Outline the basics of creating weal...
- Identify the habits of highly succe...
- Explain how to become effective wit...
- State Cialdini's laws of influence...
- Outline the basics of creating wealth
- Identify the habits of highly successful people
- Explain how to become effective with your online and offline time
- State Cialdini's laws of influence
- Explain how to create an online store
- Summarize the impact of the web on wealth creation
- Describe affiliate marketing and how to start your business without a product
- Discuss the fundamentals of teaching online and how to monetize your knowledge
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