Have you ever had to communicate a message with a large group of individuals verbally? Perhaps it was an elementary school oral report or a commercial pitch. After gathering your documents and preparing your words, you walked up to the podium and began speaking. Public speaking is all about imparting information to a broad audience. It differs from merely talking to a group of people. Public speaking requires critical thinking and communication skills to help you communicate effectively. This free online course aims to equip you with the skills and knowledge to become a successful public speaker. We will start by outlining the importance of arranging your outcomes to get the intended results and delve deeper into your being than the mere mechanics of delivering a good speech. You will learn how to bridge the gap between your existing reality and your desired outcomes.
The course then demonstrates how to employ a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) result framework in your daily life. In addition, you will discover how to create your goals with ease, flexibility, and commitment and the methods of building your self-confidence to accomplish your intended objectives. We will then explore the process of comprehending reality by diving into the communication model and mental functioning. You will learn to distinguish between your conscious and unconscious minds, as well as the importance of cause and effect. Next, we study our world views and learn how our emotional, visual, audio and thinking influence our actions. You will discover how to control your interactions with yourself and others more and how curiosity can lead you to self-discovery. Moving on, you will learn how to use the pyramid of change to monitor your alignment. We will clarify the influence embedded by each level of the pyramid, as well as the procedure for finding your way back into self-alignment.
Are you looking for change and success in your life? Would you like to discover your most ideal self? This course will help you maximize your potential and become an influential leader. You will learn the methods of setting achieving the intended goals. Furthermore, we will guide you through the process of attaining the flexibility of skilled communicators in delivering information, telling a story, and motivating people to act.
What You Will Learn In This Free Course
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