Soldering is a skill anyone who works with electronics should master, and it's not a difficult skill to learn. If you are an aspiring electronics engineer or an electronic geek who loves working on gadgets, this course is for you. This course is beneficial for beginners who would like to learn this skill from scratch. And if you ask yourself why your soldering jobs don't look like the professionally soldered circuit boards you see online, you will also benefit. The answer lies in the tools you use, and of course, your technique. Not every soldering job is the same, and not every soldering iron is the same. Educational Engineering Team is a leader in the Microcontroller industry whose mission is to share their knowledge and experience with students across the globe. Let a professional show you how to solder correctly and choose the right tools for the job you need.
The course will start by demonstrating how to solder correctly. We'll head straight into the practical application of this skill, with the instructor showing how he solders pins to a circuit board and explaining why he solders in the way he does. You can go back to this video repetitively until you master this skill while covering all of the theoretical knowledge in the course material. Next, learn how to choose the most suitable soldering iron for your needs. There are many soldering applications out there, from soldering tiny chip resistors to a circuit board, to soldering large UHF connectors. Understand why the temperature and wattage of your soldering iron varies according to the application of your job. Also, familiarize yourself with the accessories to make your job easier and keep you safe while working.
After that, you will study the three steps to a perfect soldering job: preparation, tinning, and soldering. If you master these steps, you will solder like a pro in no time. You will receive practical tips and tricks to help you avoid making mistakes. And if you do make an error, you will learn how to troubleshoot, identify what went wrong and correct any inaccuracies you make. Towards the end, this course will explain how to clean your soldering iron. We'll also show you how to extend the life of your soldering iron and how to solder connectors the right way. Lastly, we'll explain how to differentiate between good soldering and bad soldering with real-life examples. Stop wasting money on poorly soldered circuit boards, stop making blunders on your soldering jobs, and learn how to solder like an expert. This course is fun and straightforward, and it won't take long to master this essential skill. Practice how to solder electronic components like a professional by signing up today.
What You Will Learn In This Free Course
- Identify the correct soldering iron...
- List the tools you need to stay saf...
- Summarize the soldering process...
- Recognize a good soldering joint fr...
- Identify the correct soldering iron for your job
- List the tools you need to stay safe and do a professional job
- Summarize the soldering process
- Recognize a good soldering joint from a bad one
- Define tinning
- Discuss the cleaning process for your soldering iron
- Explain how to solder correctly
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