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Diploma in Scalable Python Web Development Using Flask
Advanced Level

Diploma in Scalable Python Web Development Using Flask

1,297Learners already enrolled
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  • 10-15 Avg Hours
  • CPD Accredited
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Diploma in Scalable Python Web Development Using Flask

This free online course will explore how to build reliable and scalable web apps with MongoDB and Flask Blueprint.
Scalability describes the ability of software developers to design expandable mobile and web applications that support new features and process vast amounts of user data without system downtime. In this diplo... Scalability describes the ability of software developers to design expandable mobile and web applications that support new features and process vast amounts of user data without system downtime. In this diploma course, you will learn how to build a web app that offers user validation, comments, a like button, image posting and many more features. Create a top-rated social web application with Python’s MongoDB and Flask Blueprint. Signup today!

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Discuss the fundamental concepts of...
  • Recall the libraries and utilities ...
  • Label Python classes and methods fo...
  • Explain the significance of unit te...
  • Discuss the fundamental concepts of MongoDB and the Flask Blueprint
  • Recall the libraries and utilities for creating a user model for a web app
  • Label Python classes and methods for creating indexes and user validation
  • Explain the significance of unit testing in software/application development
  • Outline the features and benefits of Amazon AWS for app developers
  • List the Python utilities for adding image libraries and sidebars to a web app
  • Outline the commands and code snippets for creating a relationship model for a social web app
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Complete This CPD Accredited Course & Get Your diploma!

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Learner Reviews & Feedback For Diploma in Scalable Python Web Development Using Flask

Muhammad M. Alison Graduate
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