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Android App Building 102 - Purr, Audiobook Log, and Skeleton
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Android App Building 102 - Purr, Audiobook Log, and Skeleton

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  • 1.5-3 Avg Hours
  • CPD Accredited
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Android App Building 102 - Purr, Audiobook Log, and Skeleton

Study essential programming and learn to design apps from start to end with this free online course.
App Inventor 2 shows you how to build Android applications from the ground up. For non-techies, the UI tools make designing applications relatively simple. Start creating HelloPurr, the Audiobook Log and the ... App Inventor 2 shows you how to build Android applications from the ground up. For non-techies, the UI tools make designing applications relatively simple. Start creating HelloPurr, the Audiobook Log and the Skeleton Review app to lay the foundations for basic programming with a practical learning experience to handle your projects. Master the Google Developer console on the Android market like a pro to publish or update your creations.

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Explain the properties of the palet...
  • Describe the project's development ...
  • List the functions of the App Inven...
  • Outline the instructions to integra...
  • Explain the properties of the palette components, like ‘canvas’, ‘balls’ and ‘media’
  • Describe the project's development by connecting an Android device for real-time testing
  • List the functions of the App Inventor buttons and label components
  • Outline the instructions to integrate media files like audio or pictures
  • Describe the arrangement elements such as horizontal and vertical components
  • Discuss the configuration process for the player components to control the blocks' behaviour
  • Identify the benefits of using procedures with built-in blocks
  • Indicate the registration steps and configuration of the Google Developer console
  • State the methods to manage your App Inventor AIA project files
  • Summarise the steps to publish the created applications to the market
  • Outline the updating process for published applications on the Google Play Store
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Learner Reviews & Feedback For Android App Building 102 - Purr, Audiobook Log, and Skeleton

Dr. Uqbah I. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
Great course !!!
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