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Upgrad Teaching Center
UTC a technical training hub
Personal Development
Teaching on Alison since Aug 2021
Upgrad Teaching Center, established in 2018, has rapidly grown to become a prominent technical training hub in Bangladesh. Over the past five years, UTC has proudly served over 1500 students, empowering them with the skills needed to thrive in the professional world. With two centers spread across two major cities, we are dedicated to delivering superior technical education and skill development. We started our journey to bridge the gap between academic learning and practical industry demands.

UTC campuses are equipped with the latest technology and learning resources, ensuring an immersive and comprehensive educational experience. Each campus has a unique environment tailored to foster innovation, collaboration, and hands-on learning. Our diverse cours...
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Basics of CPR and AED
4,565 Learners already enrolled
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Free Online Courses by Upgrad Teaching Center
Basics of CPR and AED
3-4 hrs 4,565 learners
By Upgrad Teaching Center
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define the basic concepts and importance of CPR and AED in emergency situations
  • Identify different types of heart rhythms and the appropriate AED response
  • Explain the steps involved in applying CPR and AED techniques effectively
  • Distinguish between various AED devices and their specific uses
  • Describe the procedure for combining CPR with AED for enhanced life-saving efficiency
  • Evaluate situations requiring AED use, including special conditions like water or metal presence
  • Apply the concepts of the "Chain of Survival" in practical emergency scenarios
  • Assess and manage CPR complications, such as broken ribs or vomiting, during resuscitation
  • Outline the protocol for stopping CPR and transitioning to advanced medical care
  • Summarize the correct placement and usage of AED pads on different individuals
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Beginner Level
First Aid
Basics of CPR and AED
3-4 hrs
4565 enrolled
Domestic Violence and Abuse Awareness
4-5 hrs 936 learners
By Upgrad Teaching Center
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define the key concepts of domestic violence and identify its various forms
  • Recognize early signs of domestic abuse and explain how emotional abuse manifests
  • Discuss the characteristics common to victims and perpetrators of domestic violence
  • Assess the impact of domestic violence on mental and physical health
  • Explain the legal definitions and protections available to victims of domestic violence
  • Analyze how cultural perceptions and societal roles perpetuate domestic abuse
  • Evaluate community responses and detail successful intervention programs
  • Compare international approaches to combating domestic violence and recognize global differences
  • Outline steps for victims to safely seek help and plan for leaving an abusive relationship
  • Describe therapeutic approaches for survivors and strategies for rebuilding life post-abuse
  • Summarize the effects of domestic violence on children and their long-term well-being
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Beginner Level
Health and Safety
Domestic Violence and Abuse Awareness
4-5 hrs
936 enrolled
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Learner Reviews & Feedback For
Prince Boakye A.
It is a wonderful program and I’ve learnt a lot. This is going to improve my practice and patients who experience sudden cardiac arrest will have better chances of survival.
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Faisal K.
It equips with specific knowledge and skill in CPR and AED
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