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Pavel is an author, videographer, and the most positive person you will ever meet! His open mind and genuine curiosity about everything around him are helping him to constantly learn new things. Pavel is a great communicator and making friends is something he does with ease.

Starting with no knowledge of cameras and video creation, Pavel taught himself and created the Curious Pavel YouTube channel in 2016. Just 18 months after opening the channel, he landed a job as a presenter and a videographer. That led to developing the channel even further, and also spurred more video/content creation opportunities.

Pavel creates mainly travel and history videos for his social media channels. On top of that, he is creating content for various companies and brands in the forms of interviews, testimonials, trailers, vox pops and courses.

Free, Online Courses Created by Curious Pavel

  • Certificate Keys to a Happier Life

    Keys to a Happier Life

    3-4 hrs
    Learn to develop emotional and physical strength to enjoy a happier life in this free online wellness course.
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