The Alison Career Guide is the one stop career encyclopedia that provides you with everything you need to successfully embark on your career of choice. The Guide outlines over 500 possible careers, offering digestible and invaluable information on skills requirements, necessary experience and  typical job responsibilities.

For each career, the Guide suggests a range of recommendations, from Courses related to that career to Careers similar to the one you’ve chosen. The Career Guide also has a personalisation feature which provides the Learner with even better Course and Career recommendations based on their interests and motivations. Available on both app and desktop, this tailored service is unique to Alison and unlike any user experience on any other learning platform.


Personalised Recommendations in just 5 questions

Alison’s personalisation feature can be implemented by answering just five simple questions. By telling us more about your learning goals and career objectives, we can offer bespoke advice on the courses and careers best suited to your plans and expectations.

Q1. What is your main goal at Alison?

This first question tells Alison’s machine learning algorithm what brought you to the Alison platform. Whether you’ve signed up to gain a new hobby, to upskill for a promotion or to change your career, we’ve got the courses for you. Choosing the third option means the follow up questions you’ll be asked will focus in on how to leverage the Career Guide to best suit your career goals.

Q2. Which career categories are you most interested in?

The Career Guide offers detailed analysis on a wide variety of jobs spanning an incredibly varied range of sectors and fields. Whether your main area of interest is healthcare, agriculture or information technology, there are a host of career opportunities on offer.

Q3. Which course categories are you most interested in?

By answering this question, you provide our recommendation engine with the information necessary to recommend the ideal courses to teach you the skills you need to secure the job you want. For example, you might be more interested in the management side of a career in digital marketing, or you might prefer to teach it to budding digital marketers. Depending on your answers to this question we’ll know what career path you have in mind.


Q4. For each category, tell us which sub-categories you’re most interested in?

Question 4 zeros in on the specifics. To make sure that we only give you the most relevant suggestions, you can select detailed course sub-categories that interest you, such as software development or data security.

Q5. What career stage are you currently in?

Our recommendations for courses and careers vary depending on the career stage you’re currently in. The options are:

  • Seeking a promotion
  • Currently unemployed
  • Starting my career
  • Looking to change careers
  • Recently promoted
  • Re-entering the workplace
  • Currently in school
  • Currently in university

Personalisation = Precision = Success

Alison’s personalisation feature is easy to use and results in a more useful and productive learning experience for the user. The feature allows for constant updating, meaning you can change your preferences as your career advances. The feature also includes a feedback function through which you can let us know if our suggestions are relevant. Depending on your answer, we’ll be able to improve the personalisation feature even further, providing you with even better recommendations for careers and courses.

For an even finer-tuned learning experience take the Alison Workplace Personality Assessment for more precise recommendations.

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