Rebecca Melone is an Alison graduate from South Africa. She shares her story of loss and lifelong learning with the Alison Blog.

“My name is Rebecca Melone. I am a South African, born and bred. After high school, I had no direction and I wasted a lot of time. Eventually, I took a job with a cosmetics company for five years as a consultant. In the meantime, I enrolled in business college and gained a Diploma in Marketing. I then changed my career and was offered a position as an office administrator with an employment agency. 


After two years, I felt unfulfilled and I resigned. I decided to take some time off to travel, and was traveling in the United States when I met my husband. We set up home in the US. Ten years later, he took ill and never recovered. He passed away three years later. I was so badly affected by his passing that I had to go for professional help. After some time, I decided to reinvent myself. 


So, I searched for an online college on the internet. I came across Alison and I enrolled. People are my passion and I enjoy helping them. That’s why I chose a course in Health Care. However, I didn’t pursue it. Looking back at that time, I don’t think I was mentally or even emotionally ready. 

Then in September 2020, I took a Persuasion Strategies – Ultimate Influence Tools & Skills course and obtained my certificate. At present, I am studying for a Diploma in Mental Health. I would encourage anyone to enroll with Alison. Not only is it free education but you can study from anywhere at anytime. The lessons are easy to follow. You study at your own pace and you can obtain a certificate or diploma if you choose to.”

1 Comment

  1. Francis Amukoa

    Am new here , I find alison courses learner friendly and the language used is simple and clear. Looking forward to learning more on this platform.

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