You want your organisation to be the best that it can be. And to be the best, means you need to have the best team driving your organisation and its operations forward. One of the ways to get the most out of your employees is to give them access to training that will improve their skill sets, and ultimately, their performance.  But the benefits of upskilling your teams do not stop there. Let’s explore the value and benefits of providing learning and development opportunities to your workforce. 

What is learning and development?

Learning and development, or L&D is a series of planned activities that aid someone’s knowledge and growth. It’s an act or process or process of enhancing a worker’s capacity to carry out tasks or duties given to him.

Why is employee training important?

New software, applications, and workplace technologies are designed to increase productivity, boost performance and streamline workplace inefficiencies. These new technologies lead to an ever-growing skills gap that needs to be bridged if companies want to reach their organisational goals. Training and employee development are necessary and effective ways to bridge this gap.

New and current employees, regardless of their job role, years of experience, or performance, should undergo training. This will ensure that every team member is prepared to successfully take on the projects and tasks expected of them and overcome any possible challenges they may face along the way. 

7 benefits of providing training to your employees

1.     Expanding employee skillset and knowledge

Through various L&D efforts, employees are able to expand their skills and knowledge which will give them opportunities to take on new challenges and roles within the organisation.

2.     Improved employee performance and confidence

One of the goals and benefits of employee training is to improve employee performance. Undergoing skills training enhances knowledge and skills which positively impacts their performance. An employee confident in their skills and expertise is more likely to perform better at work. 

3.     Lower employee turnover

Employees are people too. They have needs and want to be encouraged, seen, and their well-being to be acknowledged and nourished. A 2019 Linkedin Workplace Learning Report found that 94% of employees would stay longer at a company if it invested in their learning and development. 

When an organisation takes time to invest in the growth of its employees, it shows support for their professional development which leads to a positive employee experience and retains employees. This investment in skills training and development also places the organisation in a position to attract high-value employees.

4.     Good morale and job satisfaction

Motivation can wane even in the most positive of employees. A positive learning environment and atmosphere will inspire employees to continue learning, which will impact their job satisfaction.

5.     Addresses weaknesses

In the same way, a strong workforce creates a strong organisation, a weak team will hamper the growth of your business. Weaknesses are an indicator of a skills gap. It’s essential for organisations to recognise these weaknesses and gaps present within the company and develop training programmes to fill the gaps. When these are closed, employees become more proficient and productive.

6.     Builds a stronger workforce

The old saying is true: a team is only as strong as its weakest member. A successful workforce is built on a strong workforce. Businesses work daily to be at the top, be reckoned with, and have a competitive edge over their competitors. As such, companies need to invest in their employees and build on their individual strengths to ensure they can compete against other corporations.

7.   Increased capacity to use new methods and technologies

To survive, organisations must be competitive. One of the ways to do this is by upskilling and reskilling their employees. Often, a company needs to adopt new trends, processes, and models to keep up with the changing economic and business landscape. The new systems mean organisations remain innovative and be visionaries in their industries. Thus, employees need to be trained to operate the new tools and ensure the organisation can speed up its operations and stay ahead of the competition.

Reap the benefits of learning and development with Alison’s FLMS

Alison’s free LMS offers organisations something different from traditional e-learning platforms. It has an extensive collection of 4,500+ free online courses that allow corporates, schools and non-profits to design custom learning paths for their personnel based on the demands of their business.

  • Number of team members: unlimited
  • Set-up time: quick and easy set-up process
  • Aggregate and individual reporting: set up your group’s training progress with a choice of daily, weekly, or monthly reports, you can keep track of the academic progress your team makes.

Create a free LMS for your organisation in three simple steps

  1. Enter your organisation’s information and logo
  2. Select courses either by category, industry or tag from our library of 4500+ courses.
  3.  share the URL of your FLMS with your intended users

Business and industry climates are always changing. New rules and regulations come into play and it’s important for organisations to stay informed of the developments. Training employees ensures that organisations keep up to date with the changes and stay ahead of the competition.

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