“My name is Amgad Mohammed. I am forty years old and I am a chemist. Last summer, I found Alison by searching the internet for platforms I could use to improve my skills.”

What was your first course on Alison, and why did you choose it?

I don’t remember because I’ve studied a lot of Alison courses! Really, I found all of them to be interesting, especially the Diploma in Warehouse Management.

How have Alison courses affected your career?

Strategic Management, Warehouse Management, and similar courses have changed how I think about management.

What’s your favourite way to relax from studying?

Studying and motivating my mind is how I relax!

Where are you working and what are you studying now?

Right now I’m the Warehouse Head of a pharmaceutical company, and I’m also currently studying soft skills.

What would you say to someone if they asked you about Alison? Would you recommend it and why?

As long as you’re willing to try, Alison gives you the chance to succeed, for free!

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