Lawyers, advocates, legal practitioners, and everyone working in the legal profession can work in various fields. The responsibilities often differ but some things are standard across the board. Providing legal advice to ensure justice prevails are just some of their objectives. Legal practitioners need a well of knowledge, skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and lots of transferable skills contribute to their success. Our Alison Learner Spotlight is on Friday Ameh. We spoke to him and heard about how studying with Alison has not only changed his life but influenced his career.

What is your current role? 

I currently work as a legal practitioner in a law firm based in Nigeria. 

How did you find out about Alison? 

I came across Alison while searching online for platforms that provide online courses during the COVID-19 lockdown. 

What made you choose to study with Alison? 

I chose to study with Alison after reading the positive reviews given by some Alison graduates who had done some courses both on LinkedIn and the Alison website. 

What courses did you do? 

The first course I did on the Alison platform was Introduction to Conflict Management and Negotiation. After this, I did other courses on the platform numbering more than 80. Some of them include Gender Discrimination in the Workplace, Diploma in Cryptocurrency, and Stress Management in the Workplace.

 How much time per week did you spend studying? 

I spend at least 8 hours studying on the Alison platform per week.  

How have the courses you have completed enriched you in your role? 

The courses I have completed have positively enriched me in my role. 

What lessons and/skills did you acquire during your Alison studies that you are utilising in your role? 

The skills that I acquired during my Alison studies that I am utilising in my role include communication, teamwork, time management and emotional intelligence. 

How did the courses you completed prepare and help you in your career? 

The courses I have completed have really prepared me and helped me in my career. So far, I am seeing huge improvements in my career. 

What knowledge didn’t you know before learning with Alison that you have since learned during your studies? 

Before doing the Diploma in Depression course, I used to think that depression was a disease. It was while doing the course that I learned that depression was not a disease but a disorder. I also used to think that depression was another word for sadness. It was while doing the course that I learned that a person could be sad and not be depressed. 

How has Alison affected /influenced your career trajectory? 

Alison has positively affected and influenced my career trajectory. My opinions on issues are greatly respected. 

What are the key differences you’ve seen in yourself because of Alison? 

I am now a better communicator because of Alison. I am now a better team player because of Alison. I am now a better time manager and leader because of Alison. 

Did you experience any challenge while completing the course? 

Yes. One of the challenges I face is the challenge of a bad internet network. There are also times that I may not be able to create time to study due to stress and ill health. 

Are there other courses you’d like to study through Alison? 

Yes. By studying a course on Change Management on Alison, I want to learn how to better accept change.  

How do you stay motivated during studying? 

I avoid multitasking. I take regular breaks. I keep a positive attitude and I also keep in mind the end goal of studying. 

What were the most positive aspects of your time with Alison? 

Alison has helped to boost my level of productivity. Alison has also helped to boost my self-confidence, competence, and confidence. 

What did you enjoy most about your studies with/through Alison? 

What I enjoy the most is that Alison’s course contents are easy to understand. 

 What advice do you have for current and potential Alison students? 

Explore courses that interest you. Manage your study space. Your study space should be free from distractions. Take regular breaks. Keep in mind the end goal of your studies. Share what you have learned with other people. 

 How do you prepare for online learning? 

I ensure that I am in a good state of health. I also ensure that I am mentally ready for learning. I ensure that my study space is conducive for learning and devoid of distractions. I set realistic goals for my online learning. 

 How did you find a balance between work and study? 

Finding a balance between work and study is challenging. One of the things I do is to ensure that I schedule wisely. I ensure that my work does not interfere with my study time and vice versa. 

What educational preparation and courses would you recommend for someone who wants to advance in your field? 

I would advise a person who wants to advance in my field to take courses on communication. One of the qualities of a good advocate is the ability to communicate excellently both orally and in writing. I would also advise a person who wants to advance in my field to take courses on emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence enhances a lawyer’s communication skills. A high level of emotional intelligence helps lawyers interact with their clients. It enables lawyers to understand their clients and their concerns. 

What skills or traits should one pursue to help them develop /succeed in any industry? 

Time management, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, problem solving, leadership, creativity, adaptability, leadership, growth mindset, emotional intelligence, openness to feedback and criticism.

Soft skills are essential to have no matter what career path you are on. Knowing and understanding your strengths and weaknesses can help you become better in your job. If you are unsure of your skills Alison’s free Workplace Personality Test can help you discover your what you’re good at and where there is room for growth. At the end, you’ll be provided with a list of recommended courses to help you nourish, develop and grow in those areas.

If you’d like to share your Alison success story with other students, comment below. Who knows, we could shine our learner spotlight on you next.

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