“My name is Abiola Ajibade and I’m from Nigeria. I am a high school teacher by profession.” 

How did you learn about Alison?

I was introduced to Alison by a close friend.

What was your first course on Alison, and why did you choose it?

The first course I studied with Alison was Understanding Student Development and Diversity. I chose this because I want to relate better to my students in class, as I know full well that they come from different backgrounds. I want to be able to assist them as they grow every day. 

How have Alison courses affected your career?

My first Alison course helped me to understand that there is no such thing as a difficult child. You just need to be able to adjust to their needs.


What’s your favourite way to relax from studying?

To take a break from studying, I like to go through the social media to know what is happening around me. 

If you could learn absolutely anything in the world from an Alison course, what would it be?

If it were possible, I would love to study a course on how to prevent students from bullying each other.

What would you say to someone if they asked you about Alison? Would you recommend it and why?

I have fallen in love with Alison’s detailed courses and the way it helps me to unravel difficult topics. I strongly recommend Alison because of the rich range of courses.

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