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Module 1: History of Fashion Design

    Study Reminders

    Summary Module 2
    This module gave you a comprehensive overview of fashion history from the 19th century through to the present day.
    It equipped you with the knowledge to predict fashion trends and create fashions of your own based on centuries past.
    Fashion in the 19th Century
    Although apparel was around in the 17th and 18th centuries, we will begin discussing the history of fashion design here, in the 19th century, when dress took a dramatic change. It was at this point in history that sewing machines, electricity, dye formulas, and many other inventions were introduced, which changed the way clothing was manufactured.
    The two top influences of this century was Charles Frederick Worth and John Redford. They drew their inspiration from the following eras.
    19th Century Fashion Influencers
    Regency Influence
    Victorian Influence
    Gothic Influence
    The Romantic Movement
    Fashion Trends of the 20th Century
    The 1900s
    In addition to heavily adorned feathered hats and apparel, the early 1900s is known for the Edwardian corset, which was designed to accentuate a woman’s breasts and hips, while dramatically cinching the waist.
    As for men’s fashion in the early 1900s, it was common to see men wearing different coats during different times of the day, which varied between overcoats, and knee-length top coats.
    The Roaring ‘20s
    Fashion during this time was about comfort and stretching the boundaries of style.
    Towards the end of the roaring ‘20s, Wall Street crashed, and the Great Depression began, which had a profound influence on fashion. Suddenly, fashion was not as expressive as the decade before, and women returned to a more feminine and conservative appearance.
    Men’s suits during this time were changed to create larger torsos, padded shoulders, and tapered sleeves. Trench coats with wide lapels and belted waists were also introduced.
    As we move into the 1940s, fashion was made to be affordable and durable, and not fashionable. Most of the clothing from this era was patterned after civilian uniforms and utility outfits.
    Fashion in the ‘50s saw a post-war re-emergence of haute couture with designers like Christian Dior and Cristobal Balenciaga rebelling against the restrictive styles of the past.
    Fashion in the ‘60s was inspired by the social movements of the decades and from a few popular icons of the time.
    As we move away from the ‘60s and into the ‘70s, you see a lot less of the hippie clothing and more disco fashion styles. This era inspired disco style fashion, which included platform shoes, bell bottom pants, and thigh-high boots.
    Almost everyone recognises ‘80s style clothing in one form or another, and although the style is famous for being tacky, it is making its way back into today’s fashion.
    This year in fashion is often referred to as the ‘Global Mashup’, because trends of previous years past, combined with musical and cultural influences all combined to form one style.
    20th-Century Fashion Designers
    Now that we have reviewed fashion throughout the course of history, it is important to look at some of the designers who had a profound influence on making these styles happen.
    Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel
    Jean Patou
    Christian Dior
    Hubert de Givenchy
    Oscar De La Renta
    21st Century Fashion Vogue
     The 21st century continues to draw design styles from centuries-old fashion designers. Alternatively, there are also new trends that arise due to changes in technology and environmentalism
    Sustainable Fashion
    The fashion industry is now much more eco-conscious, and many designers are utilising sustainable fabrics or man-made alternatives in their clothing.
    High-Tech Clothing
    Fashion designers started to make wrinkle-free clothing, anti-static fleece, stain resistant ties, and machine washable leather. We also came up with hypoallergenic, anti-bacterial, and even fitness clothing in this era.
    Vintage Clothing
    In the 21st century, everything that is old is new, which means some of the styles from decades past is upcycled and considered ‘vintage’.