Roger Patterson is a practical beekeeper who has kept bees since 1963. A chance meeting with Beowulf Cooper resulted in him joining VBBA (now BIBBA, in 1965. At one stage he ran 130 colonies, now reduced to around 25. He is the Apiary Manager at his local BKA, where he manages between 30-50 colonies for teaching purposes.
Roger concentrates on teaching the practical aspects of beekeeping that includes queen rearing and bee improvement. He is a prolific lecturer, demonstrator and writer. He is an author of books, booklets and a regular contributor to the bee press.
Roger now owns and maintains Dave Cushman’s website, which is widely recognised as one of the world’s most comprehensive beekeeping websites. He is also the author of “Beekeeping. A Practical Guide”. He is a past BBKA Trustee and is Vice President of Bee Diseases Insurance (BDI), in addition to arranging the lecture programmes for the Central Association of Bee-Keepers and the National Honey Show.