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This Forbes article features a one-to-one interview between Alison CEO and Founder Mike Feerick and Forbes Contributor Peter High. Their in-depth discussion covers Alison’s growth in recent years, the inspiration behind its founding, and the progress it is on track to achieving. Over the course of their conversation they examine the evolving MOOC business model, highlighting how many MOOCs have not yet managed to do what Alison has: shake off old institutional dependencies and over-expensive content production processes.

During the interview, Mike highlights some of Alison’s key differentiators. These include Alison’s Free Learning Ecology and its benefits to both learners and employers; its potential to address the global Skills Gap; Alison’s self-paced model, which gives it an edge over its competitors; and Alison’s orientation as a social enterprise that puts free learner access first whilst still utilising innovation to return investment. Alison’s potential to power significant global shifts in education are previewed, with the pair discussing the potential to create universal standards for subjects from English to Math, and Mike overviewing how partnerships with Alison could save the US Federal Government billions in the long term and open opportunities to millions of potential learners worldwide. Read more...