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    Hello, in this video we will talk about ways to use your cover letter to introduce 
    yourself to an employer.


    The first paragraph of a cover letter must include 
    a statement of application applying for job, 
    the specific title of the job opening, and your source of information.


    This is the part of the letter in which applicants show their 
    interest in the position. 
    Remember that the opening paragraph also needs to get the employer's attention.


    Let's look at an example job seeker. 
    Beth, who is applying for a position as an International Student Advisor.


    In the opening paragraph of her cover letter, 
    Beth starts by explaining that she read an article and 
    the job advertisement in a newspaper, the Austin Times. 
    She puts this information in the first sentence.


    After mentioning where she saw the advertisement, her second sentence 
    gives a clear statement of application with the title of job opening.


    In the last sentence of this paragraph, Beth highlights or 
    focuses on her education and area of specialization. 
    This is a short paragraph but 
    it tells an employer some important information about her. 
    She knows about the student population, and 
    her education makes her a good match for the position.


    There are many ways to write an opening paragraph.


    Each writer organizes and explains ideas differently with their personal style.


    Let's look at another example from reading one. 
    Tomoko's cover letter.


    Like Beth, Tomoko begins with the source of her information. 
    She read about the job opening for 
    an Administrative Assistant in the Seattle Times.


    Tomoko chooses a more indirect approach. 
    By saying that she read about a job opening, and then gives the job title.


    The next sentence expresses her interest in the position, because she shows 
    that she understands the company's need and that she is qualified to help them.


    In her last sentence, she chooses to highlight her language skills, 
    work experience and office skills. 
    Again, this is a short paragraph, but it tells the employer that the applicant know 
    something about the company, and that she has skills to help the company.


    Job postings are not only found in newspapers nowadays. 
    Sometimes job seekers mention the source of 
    information in the first sentence of the opening paragraph. 
    Especially if it is through a personal reference.


    If the source of information is a person or 
    a website, the job applicant might write something like this.


    One, at the XYZ regional conference, your colleague, 
    Jannie Qin, told me about the job opening for an Executive Assistant.


    Two, I am applying for the position of Administrative Assistant 
    announced on the website. 
    In summary, we've looked at the opening paragraph or a cover letter.


    This paragraph serves as the introduction to the applicant. 
    And must include a statement of application, 
    the specific title of the job opening, and the source of information.


    Some job seekers choose to briefly write about their education, skills, 
    or experience at the end as a connection to the next paragraph.


    In the next video, we'll take a look at cover letter paragraph two.


    Highlighting your skills in the cover letter.


    In this video, we will talk about ways to highlight your skills and 
    qualifications in the cover letter.


    In paragraph two in the body of the cover letter, you will summarize two or 
    three examples from your education, experience, and 
    interests to show a future employer how you are qualified for the job.


    The examples that you choose will explain or 
    support the information in your resume not just repeat what's in your resume.


    This paragraph is your chance to really stand out from 
    all of the other applicants.


    Remember that employers are looking for 
    people who can help their business or organization be successful.


    Focus on how your skills and qualifications will help them.


    When you are applying for a specific position, 
    it is a good idea to use the job description or advertisement as a guide.


    The job description is very useful because it has 
    key words about the skills and experience needed to do the job.


    Our applicant, Beth, read a job description for 
    an International Student Advisor, with the keywords international students, 
    two years of experience, and excellent communication skills.


    Using the sample cover letters from reading one, let's look and 
    how Beth focused on her skills in the second paragraph of her cover letter.


    In the beginning sentences, 
    she writes about her current job as a resident advisor.


    She gives very specific information about the students she helps and 
    the interpersonal and the organizational skills she uses.


    In her first example, she explains that she works with 40 students 
    advises them and organizes programs. 
    The last three sentences of these paragraph, focus on her experience 
    as a student when she assisted with international student orientation and 
    learned more about international cultures and 
    Now, let's see how Tomical show's her skills and 
    qualifications in the cover letter.


    She begins with her administrative skills and says that she has ten 
    years of experience with Microsoft Office as well as several web based programs.


    Her next example, focuses on here language skills.


    She writes about her experience studying in Spain and 
    her volunteer experience with people of diverse cultures.


    Tomical ends the paragraph well by 
    connecting those skills to a company's needs.


    The job posting says that they need a administrative assistant 
    with strong computer skills and interpersonal skills. 
    And Tomical does a good job of explaining that she has those skills.


    As you can see, there are many ways for job seekers to focus 
    on their skills and qualifications in paragraph two of the cover letter.


    Some choose to use two or three examples from their education, 
    work experience, or their interests.


    In their descriptions, they are always trying to show 
    future employers how they are qualified for the job.


    Now, let's move on to a game, so 
    you can practice matching the job description with skills and examples.


    In this video, we will talk about ways to close or end the cover letter.


    In this paragraph, job seekers make a request to interview for 
    the job, tell how they will follow up with the application and 
    leave the reader with a positive impression.


    These items can be written in any order.


    The goal of this paragraph is to summarize your interest in the job, and 
    show the employer that you are ready for the next step, a job interview.


    Although job seekers do not make the decision about the interview or 
    schedule, they should plan to call or 
    email the employer soon after sending the application. 
    This shows that the applicant is serious about the job and 
    may lead to an interview.


    Let's look at our example applicant in the United States, Beth and 
    see how she wrote the closing paragraph of her cover letter.


    She begins this paragraph by summarizing her experience and 
    showing her interest at working at the University of Texas. 
    She then leaves a positive impression by thanking the reader when she says 
    thank you for taking time to review my resume.