Summer internships, part-time work at an entry-level position, or short-term paid/voluntary work offer you a taste of the career, give you valuable insight into how a company or institution operates, help build useful contacts, and improve your prospects of getting a permanent job.
The experience may also help you determine whether the public, private, or voluntary sector is best suited to realise your ambitions. Your educational provider’s career service department can provide information about viable opportunities for work placements, internships and voluntary work in diverse sectors.
In some locations, registration boards require graduates to complete a lengthy paid internship over a minimum period of three years before they can take the registration exam.
Some locations offer Architectural Experience Programmes (AXP) through architectural firms or the offices of engineers and general contractors. Interns may help prepare architectural documents and drawings, build models, prepare construction drawings on CADD, research building codes and write specifications for building materials, installation criteria, and the quality of finishes.
Students who complete internships in school may count some of that time toward the three-year internship period. Some other locations provide degree apprenticeships for architectural assistants or architects.
You will gain optimal benefit from your tasks outside of the classroom when they line up perfectly with your lessons inside it. You may get to hear countless stories from more experienced professionals and obtain valuable hands-on experience when they manage to turn seemingly routine incidents into unique learning moments.
Prospective Architects should regularly practice drawing and model-making to enhance their skills. Follow publications or TV programs about buildings to keep up to date with the current trends in architecture and design. Pre-entry work experience in an architectural, design or construction environment is desirable and highly regarded by recruiters.
Many firms offer internship opportunities over the summer break, which can provide invaluable experience to aspiring Architects. Joining one of the professional bodies, which usually offers free student membership, also provides access to professional journals and networking opportunities.
Read about the profession and interview/job shadow expert Architects, engineers, and general contractors to prove your commitment to course providers and prospective employers.