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Alison Launches a New Course in Organizational Change

With continuous changes in technology and increased competition due to globalization, organizations need to be able to continuously adapt to the changes occurring around them or face the risk of becoming irrelevant. However, many employees fear change and resist it, making change management more important than ever.

Alison Launches a New Course in Organizational Change

Alison Launches a New Course in Organizational Change

With continuous changes in technology and increased competition due to globalization, organizations need to be able to continuously adapt to the changes occurring around them or face the risk of becoming irrelevant. However, many employees fear change and resist it, making change management more important than ever.

Free Online Courses, Classes and TutorialsPublisher: Alison Editor

Change Management

With continuous changes in technology and increased competition due to globalization, organizations need to be able to continuously adapt to the changes occurring around them or face the risk of becoming irrelevant. However, many employees fear change and resist it, making change management more important than ever.

This free online course - Organizational Change - Managing and Supporting Employees - focuses on guiding employees through organizational change, outlining the 11 key success factors necessary to ensure employees do not have a negative experience. Learners will discover how to empathize with employees and see change from their perspective.

They will learn why stability is important and how to develop an open communication policy. This course is ideal for learners who want to know more about change management as well as business owners and managers who want to know more about guiding their team effectively through a period of change within their organisation.

Other courses in the Change Management Series include:

Introduction to Change Management


Change Management – Guiding Principles and Practices