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With the rapid switch to virtual workspaces and community meeting places, organisations of all sizes have struggled to appropriately and effectively marshall their online learning resources and present them in a comprehensive, easy-to-use format. SkildLabs aims to solve that problem by providing consulting and implementation that lets organisations build their business using the power of education. Whether the goal is upskilling employees, creating a community around courses, or building a micro-academy to explain the intricacies of a product or service, SkildLabs takes online learning objectives and ideas and turns them into reality, with a presence every step of the way.

SkildLabs is an online learning experience builder, which aims to empower learners in small or large organisations.The SkildLabs team has created a variety of custom curricula and training programmes for global clients including Supermetrics, StackAdapt and Leadership Practitioner. On the data analytics and visualisation frontier, the team specialises in educational materials and online courses for a plethora of Google products such as Google Data Studio, Google Analytics 360 and Display and Video 360.

"SkildLabs is all about helping organisations create awesome learning experiences for their employees, clients and partners. Services include:- Curriculum development and brainstorming- Video production and editing- Platform configuration and integrations"

Free, Online Courses Created by SkildLabs

  • Certificate Introduction to Data Visualization

    Introduction to Data Visualization

    3-4 hrs
    Learn how to visualize raw data and build insightful dashboards with Google Data Studio in this free online course.
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