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    Hello everyone, welcome to another lecture for Drug Delivery Engineering and
    Principles. We are continuing a discussion in the Immune system module of this course
    and we are talking about Vaccines. So, let us do a quick recap of what we learned in the
    last class.
    (Refer Slide Time: 00:42)

    So, in the last class we talked about vaccines as I just mentioned. We had previously
    talked about dividing vaccines into two types; one through timing and another through
    content. So, in timing we had said there are prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines
    depending on when they are given. If they are given before the disease that is
    prophylactic vaccine; if they are given after the disease that is therapeutic vaccine.
    Then in the last class we talked about content and from content, we divided them into
    four different classes and one was live attenuated in which you take a bacteria or a virus
    or whatever the germ is. You attenuate it basically decrease its virulence; so, it cannot
    immediately cause a disease, but it can potentially cause a disease if it persists. So, but
    you are basically giving enough time to the body to adapt to it before it can cause a

    disease. These are highly immunogenic the body reacts to them like it is an actual
    disease. So, it is very good in that regards, but; obviously, there is a big risk that what if
    these attenuated vaccines are able to get the virulence back either by some mutation or its
    allowed enough time and that may be fairly harmful.
    So, that is one class; obviously, its being used quite a lot for various things, but there is
    obviously, some inherent dangers and the practices that are followed in manufacturing of
    these vaccines need to be absolutely spot on in what they are trying to do. Then we
    talked about inactivated vaccines. So, just to overcome this instead of using an attenuated
    germ, we are basically killing the germ.
    And they are also fairly managed immunogenic because they have every component of
    the germ, but just that the germ is not alive. So, there is slightly less immunogenic in the
    live attenuated and because of that they may sometimes require booster doses; that
    means, you may have to inject these vaccines several times for the body to develop
    effective immune response against it, but there again widely used. There are several
    examples that are given to humans and which we discussed in the last class.
    Then there are subunit vaccines, which is where the major engineering lies in and we are
    going to see how this happens in future classes. But what we are doing here is we are
    completely taking the bacteria or the germ out of the scenario; we are just homing in on
    some conserved proteins that we know most pathogen will have when they actually try to
    cause a disease. And we are training our immune system against that. So that the immune
    system is now well versed as to how to handle it when, the actual thing arrives; it can
    directly attack those conserved proteins.
    And that because fairly quick clearance of the disease from the body rather than actually
    causing the disease. And then, there were toxoid vaccines which are mainly directed
    against the toxins only and not the bacteria itself. So, these may be security toxins. So, if
    they are secreted then, we are looking at antibodies as the major defense. So, like
    diphtheria and tetanus is some of these where, you are ensuring that the toxin is not able
    to cause harmful effect because the body is already ready for it. It has several antibodies
    that are able to bind to it and neutralize it and hence, there is no toxicity seen in humans

    (Refer Slide Time: 04:24)

    So, now having done this, we are going to; go to how we can use particles to deliver
    these vaccines. And so, delivering vaccines can be done through particle based
    approaches and why do we want particle based approaches? So, first of all micro
    particles or micro nano particles are widely used. And why they are used, is because
    these APC’s, Antigen Presenting Cell like genetic cells and macrophages; they take a
    particles in large quantities. So, to give you an example, let us say this is an indexed cell
    and we are trying to deliver a subunit vaccine. So, in this case we were trying to deliver a
    Now, the size of this protein typically would be anywhere between 1 to 5 nanometer. At
    that size range, there is not much uptake of this protein into the cell because first of all
    even though it is a small, it cannot diffuse through the cell membrane because it is still
    fairly large and to diffuse as well as it may be hydrophilic, it may have some charged
    moieties and may not be able to go through the membrane; so, that is one problem. The
    other problem is that the uptake of these small particles or small proteins into the APC’s
    follow the trends. So, if I plot this what do I find is? So, that let us say this is the size or
    diameter let us say. And on the y axis let us say it is a uptake efficiency.
    So, now if I want to deliver subunit vaccine, what I am finding is as the diameter is
    decreasing the amount of uptake in the antigen presenting cell is also getting lower and
    lower. So, now this is a problem because these cells are the one that are going to present

    this protein they are going to internalize, this they are going to degrade it and then,
    present this protein.
    So, if their uptake efficiency is going to be low then; that means, that out of let us say
    hundreds of the receptor that these APC’s may have only some of them will contain this
    peptide. So; that means, that if now a leukocyte comes, it may not even see a peptide
    unless it goes to one of those receptors that are having it; the rest of them may not even
    activate it. So, the chances for your immune system to kick in at the high efficiency are
    So, that is why it is beneficial to work in this range where, we know that the uptake for
    these particles carrying these proteins are fairly high. So, what will that mean; that
    means, that intracellularly now, you have quite a bit amount of this protein present in the
    APC and that means, more and more receptors will be filled in with this peptide from
    this particular pathogenic protein. So, that is the whole concept here and what we
    typically find is this range is fairly good from 100 nanometer to about 5 micron. And
    these are just some approximate numbers, they can vary a little bit, but between 100
    nanometer to 5 micron. In fact, actually edit it and then, say about 50 nanometer to 100
    5 micron; this is a uptake is fairly high.
    So, now if I want to make sure that the uptake efficiency is good. I cannot just inject the
    protein by itself. So, what I can do is we have already learned through the course that I
    can use bio module based strategies. I can take a particle with the certain size; I can
    encapsulate this protein in that particular either during manufacturing or just absorb it on
    the surface. And that would mean that I have lot more chance to enhance the immune
    response; so, that is one advantage. What is the other advantage? So, now as I said, the
    subunit vaccines will also require adjuvants to be delivered.

    (Refer Slide Time: 09:00)

    Now, the same thing can happen with adjuvants that; let us say if in a human I am
    injecting adjuvants intravenously or intramuscularly. Now, these adjuvants are such as
    LPS or small peptide small DNA such as C p G containing nucleotides; they are fairly
    small. So, they will diffuse out on the system very quickly. So, now, let us say my
    protein is huge. So, these we are talking about in the range of let us say 1000 Daltons.
    But my protein could be a 100 in kilo Dalton; so, almost hundred times bigger. So, the
    diffusion of these will be fairly high and they will disperse all through the body fairly
    quickly whereas, this protein may not be as quickly dispersed through the body as these
    particular adjuvants. So, what can happen now is even though I have protein present in
    high concentration at the side, the adjuvants have distributed throughout the body and
    they are at low concentrations everywhere.
    So, now the innate immune response is not getting kicked in as you would have liked
    because these are the ones that are going to kick in the innate immune response. So, now
    same problem becomes at the co stimulatory molecules are at a lower expression if you
    are doing this, but what happens if I also encapsulate this adjuvants along with these
    particles then; that means, wherever there is a high concentration of your protein there is
    the high concentration of your adjuvants as well.
    So, that would mean that for the dendritic cells that I have taken this or for the
    macrophages that have taken the protein , there is a high chance that you also have co

    stimulatory molecules present to trigger a enhanced immunity or basically, to trigger
    these leukocytes too and go towards the immune response rather than going towards the
    tolerogenic response.
    So, that is the advantage with the particle because I can take a particle and I can
    encapsulate both the protein and these LPS or CpG in these particles ensuring that as the
    particle degrades there is both controlled release of these adjuvants along with the
    antigen. The other thing is these particles can get all types of antigens. So, it could be
    protein; it could be peptide; it could be DNA all of those could be carried; so, it is better.
    However, there is a bit of limitation. So, there are formulation issues that these particle
    base adjuvant and antigen delivery may suffer with. So, what can happen is at the time of
    synthesis let us say I am making this particle using an emulsion based method.
    (Refer Slide Time: 12:12)

    So, I am now exposing this protein and adjuvants to several organic solvents like DCM,
    chloroform or some oil phase. Some oil based solvents and that can naturally cause
    denaturation or complete inactivation of these antigens. The structures may change;
    maybe there is a pattern that we want to deliver in cases of adjuvant specially and those
    patterns may get completely disrupted. So, those are some of the challenges that are
    associated with formulating these particles, but then, given the results that these particles
    have shown the better pharmacokinetics that controlled release. These are some things

    that people are working on to decrease formulation issues, but this still is very promising
    as far as translational of any of these vaccines is concerned ok.
    (Refer Slide Time: 13:02)

    So, here is an example. So, here what you are seeing is phagocytosis by a dendritic cell.
    So, you have dendritic cells, which have been incubated with the fluorescent
    microspheres. So, all of these are fluorescent microspheres and what you are seeing here
    is the; on the a on this particular figure you are seeing fluorescent microscope image and
    it is showing look at how much amount of particles is in one cell.
    So, this one cell; just by briefly looking at it you can easily say it contains more than 10
    to 20 particles and all of these particles carry a heavy dose of whatever indigent that me
    you may require. So, that is there and then, this further depicted by the fluorescence
    intensity. So, maybe your; in this case the particles are fluorescent level. So, you can see
    if this is before particle treatment or the one not treated with particles. You see, quite a
    bit of shift then, remember this is in the log scale. So, you see quite a bit enhancement of
    your fluorescent molecule. So, instead of fluorescent molecule the same will also apply
    for your antigen.
    So, fluorescent molecule is essentially an antigen in this case and if you only give free
    drug what is scene is not plotted here, but I will just plot it, if you only get free drug, you
    get very little uptake. So, maybe the curve might shift something like this; so, much
    much lower. So, if you compare MFI for this versus the mean for this. So, MFI is mean

    fluorescence index. So, the mean for this some would be lying somewhere around here
    or the median would be lying somewhere around here.
    And what you will find that this; we are saying is only let us say 10 20, this is only let us
    say 25 where, this is already 100, 200, 300, 400, 500. So, this is almost 500. So, you can
    see quite a bit enhancement, but this is something that I have hypothetically true, but if
    you read enough papers you will find that the free antigen and does not really penetrate
    through the dendritic cells as efficiently as particle based antigen.
    (Refer Slide Time: 15:29)

    So, here some more table and this is looking at what are the different factors that causes
    antigen instability in particle formulations? So, there could be both chemical as well as
    physical instability that is being caused. So, one is of course, I briefly discussed is the
    water or oil emulsion. So, because you have that oil present, this can expose these
    hydrophobic domains; it can really cause the structure to completely fall apart .
    So, again as we had discussed previously in the protein adsorption case; let us say I have
    a protein that is folded and of course, this protein is folded in water. So, all the inner
    domain will be hydrophobic, but once it comes in and all of these will be hydrophilic.
    So, once at this point there is water outside and this is the native structure of the protein.
    So, it is fairly happy because all the hydrophilic domains are outside; the hydrophilic
    domains are outside; they may be pockets here, which may be the active site or maybe

    some other active site. So, this protein is functional, but let us say it comes in contact
    with oil now.
    So, now we have removed this water and put oil outside. Now, these domains as I said is
    hydrophilic. So, they do not really want to interact with the soil because oil is
    hydrophobic and similarly, these domains which are hydrophobic, they would like to
    interact with the soil. So, what will happen? The structure will completely change. So,
    this is going to untangle and this interaction will start these hydrophilic domains will
    start to burry inside and hydrophobic domains will start to come outside.
    So, you are now completely change the structure. The other thing that can happen is
    maybe in a certain solvent there is more liability for things to degrade. So, maybe in
    presence of water or in presence of some solvent these bonds may cleave in or some
    chemical direction may happen maybe this will start cross linking,
    So, if that happens then, you can have suddenly change structure; your size is changed, it
    may not be; may be the immunogenic antigen that is being present is now cross linked
    and cannot be presented the cells cannot degrade its. So, all of those problems are there.
    So, this is something that the water in oil emulsion can cause instability in your system.
    Then, what is done is once these particles are formed for storage purposes freeze drying
    is widely used.
    And what it is? You are taking these particles and you are going putting them through a
    life lization or a spray drying process in which you are ensuring that all the water in the
    system is gone. And the reason you do that is we have really discussed before is presence
    of water is a big problem for long term storage because that may contain some
    contaminants and may degrade the drug or may degrade in this case the proteins that you
    have maybe there are some basal contamination of some enzymes some proteases that
    are cleaving it.
    So, to improve a stability these freeze drying methods are used; however, again these
    freeze drying methods can themselves introduce instability. So, they may again cause
    aggregation, denaturation for some antigens. So, for most antigen these processes work,
    but for some antigens they may not work. And again the storage is an issue over there.
    So, there is residual solvents, moisture absorption from the atmosphere; all of these can
    cause instability in the system. And then, you before you want to deliver, you want to

    ensure that maybe these things need to be in a certain solvent rather than freeze drying.
    So, all of those factors can also play a role in changing the formulation of the drug and in
    changing how the drug is perceived in the body .
    (Refer Slide Time: 19:58)

    So, we will now move on to a next class. In this same module, which is called immuno
    isolated cell therapy and what is immune isolated cell therapy is; we are now looking to
    deliver cells instead of many drugs. So, in this case, the cell is a drug. So, again this can
    be classified as drug delivery, but in your; in this particular case the cell is a drug and
    maybe the cell is producing a certain enzyme which is then acting.
    So, effectively that particular enzyme is a drug, but since cell is producing it, you have to
    ensure that the cell is stable as well as a cell can form whatever function you may require
    and when I say immuno isolated, what does this term mean? This term means that I want
    to isolate the cell that I am delivering from the immune system of the host and this could
    be due to several reasons. Typically, if I am putting in cells from an external source,
    which means from some other patient into my body my immune system is going to
    recognize this as not being a self antigen and it will start adapting to that particular cell
    and start killing it. So, to prevent that we want to make sure that this is immuno isolated.
    So, far we were talking about how to generate an immune response against a vaccine.
    Now, we are just doing a reverse in this case. We are trying to make sure that the
    immune response is not generated against whatever you are delivering. And in this case,

    this is cell. So, it could be transplanting cells that can secrete therapeutic proteins over a
    long period of time in response to some physiological stimuli. So, this could be for
    pancreatic islet transplantation.
    So, let us say if a person is suffering from type I diabetes and what is type I diabetes?
    Type I diabetes is nothing, but it is that your body for some reason considers your
    pancreatic cells or beta cells is what they are called, that produce insulin, for some reason
    the body is now considering your beta cells has to be something foreign and this is of
    course a disease condition in which also classified as autoimmune diseases. So, this is an
    autoimmune disease, which means that your own; your own cells are being detected by
    the immune system as being foreign.
    And so, when that happens the body is going to kill all the beta cells; the immune system
    is going to kill all the beta cells, they will home in and try to find wherever, they find the
    beta cells and they will kill it and it could be because maybe the insulin is the one that
    they are recognizing as foreign or maybe some other receptor. On these beta cells, that
    for some reason the body thinks is not cells and for these patients is actually the life is
    very difficult because all the beta cells are dead. So, they do not have insulin, which
    means that the blood glucose level which is maintained by the insulin is not maintained.
    So, the blood glucose level can go extremely high and the high blood glucose level.
    Then, causes infections to happen because the bacteria likes that environment, it can
    cause a several malfunctioning of signaling through our body due to these various
    functions in heart and brain in everywhere. So, what is done for these patients is you
    want to then, there are two routes either you keep on taking insulin regularly. So, every
    time you have to take an insulin dose to make sure that glucose that you are taking in and
    gets metabolized or you can either put cells in them in such a way that because;
    obviously, the original cells have been destroyed.
    Now, you can try to put some other cells or maybe the original cells. If you are able to
    retrieve some of them you can put them back in, but then, the body is going to react
    again against those cells because the body is already on getting an autoimmune disease.
    So, what do you have to do is you have to make sure that when you put these pancreatic
    islet cells into those patients and these are isolated somehow on the immune system, they
    could also be long term gene therapy. So, I mean, this was one it could be maybe I want

    to put some transform cells. So, let us take another case of muscular dystrophy. So, in
    this disease what is happening is one of the proteins that is responsible for your function
    of your muscle is either not getting produced or getting produced in some mutated form.
    So, one of the protein that is widely involved in this is called dystrophin and let us say
    during your birth or at the time of your embryo genesis, there was some mutation. In this
    gene and now because this gene is now mutated it cannot really function very well. So,
    your muscle starts to degenerate and it basically starts from bottom to up. So, your first
    thing that defects is your leg muscles, which are large muscles.
    And as more and more dystrophin inactivity happens; it eventually may reach your lungs
    and heart and that will eventually cause death because if the heart stops beating or if the
    lungs are not breathing then, the patient cannot survive. So, in these patients what you
    want is you want to give cells, which are producing the correct dystrophin molecule, but
    now this dystrophin is going to be recognized there is a foreign antigen.
    Because this was not the part of the body for that particular patient; the immune system
    had never seen the correct dystrophin. So, even if you give the correct dystrophin. Now,
    your immune system may recognize this as a foreign dystrophin or it could be from some
    other source of cells and they may itself immunogenic. So, you want to make sure that
    these cells do survive for long duration because this is a therapy for life both of these
    therapies, these are as long as the patient is alive; you want these cells to be alive. So, in
    that regards you want to immune isolate these particular cell therapies from your immune
    So, the cells transplanted are often as I said is allogeneic or xenogeneic and can generate
    immune reaction. So, what are allogeneic? So, let me define these terms. So, it could be
    autogenic which means from same person or being. So, it could be that my own cells
    have been taken up; they have been expanded. And then they are putting in back that will
    be an autogenic implant it could be let us say if I am suffering from some bone disease
    and I want some bone to be put in one of my fracture may be that bone has been taken
    out from some extra bone from my hip region where, those cells are then being put in.
    So, this is an autogenic implant.
    So, it is very well tolerated; of course, the immune system has no role to play in this
    because for immune system all cells are yours, there is no foreign antigen. Then there is

    allogenic and what that means, is from a different source, but same species. So that
    means, that maybe I am suffering from disease; I do not have enough cells for that
    particular disease. So, I take cells from any other human being or the same could be
    applied for animals as well maybe one horse gets cells from another horse or any other
    species for that matter as long as is between the same species it is called allergenic.
    So, even though it is the same species; so, it is almost 99 percent same. There is still a
    little bit of differences between each of us, that is why we are all different and the
    immune system will act on it. Immune system will go up and start to reject this and then
    finally, the other one is the xenogenic. And so, this is from what different species
    altogether; sometimes it will be even different genus and what that means, is for us let us
    say if I want an implant; maybe these implants are being or these cells have been taken
    from uptake.
    So, it is let us say pig to human or this could be horse to human; whatever it might be the
    source be and because of because they are so different from your original species. So, the
    pig cells have lot more differences then, let us say a human cell. So, even though they are
    still from not the same person, this is still very close to what you have in your body, but
    this is so far away that the immune system goes much much higher and this is the most
    difficult to get accepted in the body. So, that is what allogenic and xenogenic means.
    So, anytime you are doing immuno isolated therapy, you have to think about all these
    terms and all these factors. And most cases, you will find that the patient may themselves
    not have any source of these cells. So, most of the time you will have to rely on allogenic
    and xenogenic sources.

    (Refer Slide Time: 30:40)

    So, one way to go about it is
    you can put a protective polymer encapsulation that will allow small nutrients and
    molecules to go through. So, anything less than 50 Kd a and reach the cells, but prevents
    antibody molecules like T cells. So, that is they are immuno isolated.
    So, what this means is we are relying on the fact that most of the immune system
    molecules and cells are fairly large. So, if I have a semi permeable membrane that only
    allows small molecules like 10 to 20 Kd to go through. So, all of these glucose insulin
    your oxygen these things can go through and can give it to the cells that are present
    inside this implant.
    Whereas, the antibodies or your antigen presenting cells or your leukocytes I am not able
    to go through because of this barrier seigneurial barrier. So, these things can go through
    the effective proteins like insulin or dystrophin can come out, but your immune system is
    not able to attack. It is that is the whole concept of immune isolation especially, with
    polymer encapsulation and but there are some challenges to it and we will discuss this.

    (Refer Slide Time: 32:17)

    So, this replaces the constant immuno suppression everybody made it. So, in general, if
    you are putting anything allogenic or xenogenic you will have to then, supplement it with
    the immuno suppression and that would mean that your immune system is now weak.
    So, pathogens such as bacteria and viruses can come and attack it whereas, in this
    particular case you what you have done is you have because of this barrier you do not
    really need immuno separation anymore.
    So, your immune system, you may still need it at the initial phases, but eventually the
    idea is to not have immuno separation anymore and because of that the patient life will
    be slightly better than having constantly under immuno suppression and then, suffering
    from several diseases. So, this can even allow xenogenic transplantation to happen. We
    will stop here and we will continue this in the next class.
    Thank you.