Do you know that microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, archaea and protists can survive and thrive anywhere, including in healthcare settings? This course explores best practices in infection control and ways to keep a healthcare facility free from germs. We shed light on disinfection and sterilisation methods, their applications and how to select the right chemicals for a specific job. We will then research the basic principle of immunisation, their types, applications, administration methods and storage. Following the eradication of smallpox, the World Health Organisation (WHO) decided to eliminate other infectious diseases by launching an extensive vaccine program known as the âExpanded Program of Immunisationâ (EPI). We'll walk you through the key objectives of the EPI, the implementation of vaccine programs and the achievements made by the program so far.
The increase in crowded living conditions has paved the way for rapid transmission of infectious diseases, particularly those targeting developing countries. Worldwide, six contagious diseases are responsible for over 90% of deaths due to the spread of infections. We study eight contagious diseases, including diphtheria, influenza and pertussis. We elaborate on the modes of transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods and the type of nursing care an infected person requires. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are among the most typical causes of ill health globally, affecting over three hundred million people. STIs can severely damage reproductive health and reduce fertility, especially in young adults. Study the modes of transmission and the social and biological factors behind the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. We investigate common STIs, their symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods and measures required to control the spread of sex-related diseases.
We designed this course for those who work or aspire to work in healthcare settings. Since the subject of infection concerns everybody, this course will prove helpful for anyone who wants to understand the transmission mechanisms of infectious diseases and related control measures. Hospitals are reservoirs of harmful microorganisms that pose a severe risk of infection to patients, visitors and health workers. The modern lifestyle has brought more and more people in close proximity, thereby significantly increasing the risk of contracting a disease. This in turn necessitates the need to raise awareness based on research on the communicability of disease-causing microorganisms and measures to put in place to limit their spread. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has been more concerned about prevention than ever before. As a result, there are job opportunities for professionals with knowledge and experience in infection control and prevention. So join this course and learn for free.
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