Do you often find your dog with dirty paws, rolling in messy areas or having icky skin that could result from an infection? Proper grooming will aid your dog in looking and feeling its best. Explore appropriate grooming methods for the nature and breed of your dog and ensure your dog is clean. Various dog breeds have different coats, coat colours, textures and patterns. A dog's ‘coat’ refers to the hair covering its body. We will show you various dog breeds and teach you how to groom various types of coats and textures. Next, we will examine dog diseases and disease-causing agents. We study the common external parasites in dogs, the diseases they cause and how to control them.
The following section gives you insight into common disorders such as food intolerance, allergies, ‘coat funk’, Cushing's or Lyme diseases and so on. Without a good haircut, a dog may be carrying around densely tangled clumps of fur in its coat, which can make it miserable. To avoid this, we'll show you the appropriate way of trimming and cutting your dog's coat using scissors and clippers properly. Dogs also need to bathe. Their coats trap dirt, allergens and bacteria, which cause diseases that they can transmit to us. Given this, if you wash your dog frequently, it will benefit you and your dog. This course demonstrates how to bathe dogs with different coats and make it fun and less stressful.
Bathing dogs can be difficult because most don't like bath time. Horrible experiences such as getting water up their noses, having shampoo sting their eyes or getting scorched by hot water can traumatise them and make them fear bathing. We demonstrate how to prepare a bath, dry and keep your dog fluffy and deal with difficulties during bath time. Furthermore, we will discuss other grooming techniques such as nail care, trimming, tooth brushing, spotting a dental problem, keeping your dog's eyes shiny and ear care. Lastly, you'll learn why grooming, sanitation and cleaning equipment are crucial. Dog grooming can pave the way for delightful opportunities and is a great career path. This course is suitable for learners who want to understand dog care and grooming, personally or professionally. Maintaining cleanliness and keeping diseases at bay is a vital skill so sign up for this course and learn for free.
In This Free Course, You Will Learn How To
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