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YouAccel was founded in 2015 with the mission to be one of the largest repositories of educational content on the Web. It is now a leading provider in online training, serving a global audience of passionate learners. YouAccel offers courses across numerous industries from coding and IT to business, marketing, design and productivity.

The e-learning experience provided by YouAccel is dynamic. Each course is offered in high definition with corresponding assignments, quizzes and exams that are delivered and graded electronically. All YouAccel courses are taught by certified educators that have numerous years of work experience in the field for which they provide instruction.The courses can be taken at your own pace and are offered at several levels including beginner, intermediate and advanced. All courses come with a certificate of completion and no age restrictions apply.

YouAccel strongly believes that the future of online learning will be through open community-based initiatives, where everyone’s voice is equally heard. This is exactly what YouAccel strives to achieve: an inclusive environment, where students have control over the direction of course content. YouAccel courses are continuously updated based on feedback from students and engaged community members. YouAccel instructors encourage communication at every step of the learning process. To date, hundreds of contributors around the globe have invested both time and resources to ensure YouAccel courses meet the highest level of quality. YouAccel instructors are world renowned and many of them have been featured in mainstream publications such as Forbes, Mashable, Entrepreneur, and PBS among others.

Free, Online Courses Created by YouAccel Training

  • Certificate Advanced Programming in iOS11 and Swift 4

    Advanced Programming in iOS11 and Swift 4

    4-5 hrs
    This free online course examines the application and implementation of core data and machine learning concepts.
  • Certificate Introduction to Basic Styling in Website Development

    Introduction to Basic Styling in Website Development

    4-5 hrs
    This free online course examines the various features available for building websites from scratch using HTML and CSS.
  • Certificate Designing Amazon Affiliate E-Commerce Stores: A Beginner's Guide

    Designing Amazon Affiliate E-Commerce Stores: A Beginner's Guide

    4-5 hrs
    This free course will take you through the steps for making and sustaining sales on Amazon Affiliate E-commerce Stores.
  • Diploma Diploma in iOS11 and Swift 4 Programming

    Diploma in iOS11 and Swift 4 Programming

    10-15 hrs
    This free online course examines the basics of building and implementing professional iOS applications using Swift 4.
  • Certificate Building a Machine Learning App Interface

    Building a Machine Learning App Interface

    4-5 hrs
    This free online course shows you how to build a handwriting recognition app and covers the basics of Core ML.
  • Certificate Beginner in Multiple Domain Hosting on One Virtual Server

    Beginner in Multiple Domain Hosting on One Virtual Server

    4-5 hrs
    This free online course studies hosting multiple websites on a single DigitalOcean droplet server using a virtual host.
  • Diploma Diploma in Exploring Adobe Lightroom Interface

    Diploma in Exploring Adobe Lightroom Interface

    10-15 hrs
    This free online course studies how to use the many powerful functions, features, and working panels in Adobe Lightroom.
  • Certificate Introduction to HTML Structures in Website Development

    Introduction to HTML Structures in Website Development

    3-4 hrs
    This free online course examines how to develop HTML forms on a website, as well as integrate animations into the forms.
  • Certificate Exploring and Installing Let's Encrypt Using SSL Certificate

    Exploring and Installing Let's Encrypt Using SSL Certificate

    4-5 hrs
    This free online course examines the various installation processes for Let's Encrypt and types of SSL certificates.
  • Diploma Diploma in Building High Accuracy Model With Core Machine Learning

    Diploma in Building High Accuracy Model With Core Machine Learning

    10-15 hrs
    This free online course will show you how to build high accuracy models with Core ML and calculate accuracy.
  • Diploma Diploma in Website Development Using HTML and CSS

    Diploma in Website Development Using HTML and CSS

    10-15 hrs
    This free online course examines the various features available for building websites from scratch using HTML and CSS.
  • Certificate Mastering the Art of Persuasive Writing

    Mastering the Art of Persuasive Writing

    3-4 hrs
    Hone your writing skills with this free online course and learn how to use persuasive words to change hearts and minds.
  • Certificate Fundamentals of Ruby on Rails 5 Development

    Fundamentals of Ruby on Rails 5 Development

    4-5 hrs
    This free online IT course shows you how to develop different types of applications using Ruby on Rails.
  • Certificate Authentication and Implementation Techniques in Rails Development

    Authentication and Implementation Techniques in Rails Development

    4-5 hrs
    This free online course examines the use of RubyGems in Rails, and implementation of best practices during development.
  • Certificate Beginner Web Development Processes and Server Setup

    Beginner Web Development Processes and Server Setup

    4-5 hrs
    This free online course describes the processes related to web development and various types of web hosting packages.
  • Certificate Essentials for Ensuring Entrepreneurial Success

    Essentials for Ensuring Entrepreneurial Success

    3-4 hrs
    This free online course examines the fundamental skills and approaches that are required to succeed as an entrepreneur.
  • Certificate Introduction to Functions of FileZilla and HTML DOM

    Introduction to Functions of FileZilla and HTML DOM

    4-5 hrs
    This free computer course breaks down the FileZilla interface and looks at CSS, HTML DOM and webpage development.
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