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Telos forms communities of peacemakers across lines of difference and equips them to helpreconcile seemingly intractable conflicts at home and abroad. Grounded in a vision of mutualflourishing, Telos envisions a world in which leaders and their communities claim the requisitedrive, expertise, and relationships to effectively and relentlessly wage peace.

Telos’ model of conflict transformation is rooted in immersive travel experiences framed by thePrinciples and Practices of Peacemaking. They immerse people in conflict contexts, train themin practical peacemaking skills, and empower them to own their agency to act on what they’velearned. While these methods and tools were developed through their work in Israel/Palestine,the lessons and skills can be applied to conflicts globally.

Telos offers immersive travel experiences in Israel/Palestine and the US South, onlineprogramming aimed at increasing understanding about the roots and implications of conflict,and trainings on the Principles and Practices of Peacemaking.

Free, Online Courses Created by The Telos Group

  • Certificate The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Origins

    The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Origins

    1.5-3 hrs
    The proceeds of this course will be donated to Telos, a peacemaking organisation.
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